Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Recruitment of Female Staff Nurse jobs

 Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Jobs
Job details:NVS Vacancy 2013: Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, Secunderabad is going to execute the Recruitment for the year 2013 to recruit candidates on the vacant posts of 20  Female Staff Nurse, Catering Assistant and Laboratory Attendant.  Interested candidates are required submit application form through applications online mode only on or before 29-07 2013,For more details about  Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Female Staff Nurse jobs given below…

Name of post:Recruitment of  Catering Assistant in Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
1. Female Staff Nurse : 03 posts
2. Catering Assistant : 12 posts
3. Laboratory Attendant.  : 05 posts
No of post:20 posts
Location of job:Secunderabad
Pay Scale:post no 1. Rs. 9,300-34,800 /-Grade pay Rs. 4600 /-, post no 2. Rs. 5,200-20,200 /-Grade pay Rs. 2400 /-, post no 3: Rs. 4,440-7440 /- Grade pay Rs. 1400 /-
Educational qualification: post no 1. 12th with ‘A’ grade certificate by Govt. college  and minimum 2 year experience , 2. 10th with 3 year diploma in catering or equivalent and 1 year experience, 3. Middle pass with General Science,
Age Limit:Below 35 year
Application fee: Candidates who want to apply for these vacant have to pay Rs. 500/- (No application fee for SC/ST) as application fee in form of Demand draft drawn in favour of Deputy Commissioner, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti payable at Secunderabad/ Hyderabad
Important dates: 29-07-2013
Selection procedure:Applicants will be selected based on their performance in written test, Group Discussion / interview.
How to apply:Candidates need to download application form from official website and have to fill up with original details. Candidates have to attach required documents (attested copies of educational certificates and caste certificates), DD and passport size photograph with application form and send to following address -    “Deputy Commissioner, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Regional Office 1-1-10/3, S. P. Road Secunderabad- 500 003”
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
Regional Office
1-1-10/3, S. P. Road
Secunderabad- 500 003”
General Conditions  :
1.A qualifying  written examination of all eligible candidates will be conducted.  Shortlisted candidates will be called   for interview.
2.Selected candidates are liable to be posted/transferred any where in India. It may be noted that almost all the Vidyalayas are located in rural areas.
3.Candidates who are already in service are required to submit their application through proper channel only. However, advance copy of the application can be sent to avoid delay. Their candidature shall be considered only on receipt of their application through proper channel.
4.Samiti reserves the right to fix up criteria for calling candidate for interview. Mere eligibility will not vest any right to the candidates for being called for interview and decision of the Samiti  in this regard will be binding for all concerned.
5.Number of the vacancies are tentative and subject to change.
6.Selected candidates will be on probation for a period of two years which may be extended for a further period of one year subject to the performance of candidates. During the probation period, services of probationer can be terminated at any time without assigning any reason.
7.Staff Nurse, Catering Assistant and Lab Attendant in Navodaya Vidyalayas are considered as vacational staff (Non-teaching).
8.Application  complete in all respects in the prescribed format given below (neatly typed preferably in English on plain paper approximate size 22 cm X 30 cm) accompanied by a Crossed Demand Draft of requisite fee as mentioned in column (8) should be sent to the Deputy Commissioner,  Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, Regional Office, 1-1-10/3, S P Road, Secunderabad(AP) – 500 003, within thirty days time from the date of publication of this advertisement.   The candidates are required to submit the copies of mark sheet of each year and certificates of Diploma/Degree courses failing which the application will be treated as incomplete and rejected summarily.     Applications received after the expiry of the last date mentioned above (i.e. thirty days from the date of publication of the advertisement) will not be entertained. The Samiti will not be responsible for any postal delay”.
9.Second class rail fare by shortest route on production of proper receipt will be paid to SC/STs candidates only for attending the interview as per the rules of the Samiti.
To view the complete notification:


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