Friday, 5 July 2013

Andhra pradesh public service commission Recruitment of Medical Officer jobs

APPSC JobsJob details:APPSC Recruitment 2013: Andhra pradesh public service commission  has released the recruitment notification for filling up Medical Officer (Unani) In A.P. Unani Medical Services under Ayush Department.Interested candidates are required submit application form through applications online mode only on or before 24-07-2013, For more details about  Andhra pradesh public service commission  Medical Officer jobs given below...

Name of post: Recruitment of Medical Officer in Andhra pradesh public service commission
01. Medical Officer  : 48 posts
No of post:48 posts
Location of job:Andhra Pradesh
Pay Scale:RS.18,030- 43,630
Educational qualification: Applicants Must posses a Degree in Unani awarded by a University in India established or incorporated by or under central Act or State Act or Provincial Act or any institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any statutory Board of the State Government after having undergone a regular course of institutional study in the Unani both in theory and practical for a period not less than 4 1/2 years duration in a teaching institution recognized by the University or State Government with one year compulsory internship.
Age Limit: Applicants Age should be between 18 years to 55 years as on 01st July 2013. Age Relaxation will be applicable as per Government Rules & regulations.
Important dates:24-07-2013
APPSC Written Exam Date: 14-09-2013
Selection procedure:Selection for APPSC jobs 2013 will be done on the basis of Written Test performance. The appearance in all the papers at the Written Examination as per rules is compulsory.
How to apply: Applicants will have to apply in online mode. You must fill APPSC online application form from Fill form in appropriate manner. The Applicants should pay the prescribed Fee in any one of the A.P. Online centers. How To Apply For Government Jobs Affix your recent Colour Passport Size Photograph on a White Paper and then sign below the photograph with Black Pen. After online submission Job fighters must take the hard copy of their form for future use.
Andhra pradesh public service commission
Genaral instructions:
1) The candidates must note that his/her admission to the examination is strictly provisional. The mere fact that an Admission has been issued to him/her does not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by the Commission or that the entries made by the candidate in his/her application have been accepted by the Commission as true and correct. The candidates have to be found suitable after verification of original certificates; and other eligibility criteria. The Applicants have to upload the his/her scanned recent colour passport photo and signature to the Application Form. Failure to produce the same photograph, if required, at the time of interview/ verification, may lead to disqualification. Hence the candidates are advised not to change their appearance till the recruitment process is complete.
2) The candidates should go through the instructions given on the cover page of test booklet and carefully write his/her Register Number, Subject / Subject Code, Booklet Series, Name of theExamination Centre etc., in the Answer Sheet, which will be provided to him/her in the examination hall.
3) Since the answer sheets are to be scanned (valued) with Optical Mark Scanner system, the candidates have to USE BALL POINT PEN (BLUE/BLACK) ONLY FOR MARKING THE ANSWERS. The candidates will be supplied OMR Sheet consists of two copies i.e., the Original Copy (Top Sheet) and Duplicate Copy (Bottom Sheet). The candidate is required to use Ball Point Pen (Blue or Black) for filling the relevant blocks in the OMR Sheet including bubbling the answers. After writing the examination the candidate has to handover the original OMR sheet (Top Sheet) to the invigilator in the examination hall, if any candidate takes away the original OMR Sheet (Top Sheet) his/her candidature will be rejected. However the candidate is permitted to take away the duplicate (Bottom Sheet) OMR Sheet for his/her record. The candidates should bring Ball Point Pen (Blue/Black and smooth writing pad) to fill up relevant columns on the Answer Sheet. The candidate must ensure encoding the Register Number, Subject/Subject Code, Booklet Series, Name of the Examination Centre, Signature of the Candidate and Invigilator, etc., on the O.M.R. Answer sheet correctly, failing which the Answer sheet will be rejected and will not be valued. Use of whitener / correcting fluid or does any kind of tampering to change the answers on OMR Sheet will lead to disqualification / rejection.
4) The OMR Sheet is to bubble only by Ball Point Pen (Blue/Black). Bubbling by Pencil / Ink Pen / Gel Pen instead of Ball Point Pen (Blue/Black) is not permitted in this examination totally / partially or does not any kind of tampering to change the answers on the OMR Sheet will lead to disqualification / rejection. No correspondence whatsoever will be entertained from the candidates in this regard.
5) The candidates should satisfy the Invigilator of his identity with reference to the signature and photographs available on the Nominal Rolls and Hall Ticket.
6) The candidates should take their seats 20 minutes before the commencement of the examination and are not to be allowed after 10 minutes of the scheduled time. They should not leave the examination hall till expiry of fulltime. The candidates are allowed to use the calculators in the examination hall (not programmable calculators). Loaning and interchanging of articles among the candidates is not permitted in the examination hall. Cell phones and Pagers are not allowed in the examination hall.
7) The candidates are expected to behave in orderly and disciplined manner while writing the examination. If any candidate takes away Answer Sheet, the candidature will be rejected and in case of impersonation/ disorder/ rowdy behaviour during Written Examination, necessary F.I.R. for this incident will be lodged with concerned Police Station, apart from disqualifying appointment in future. Merit is the only criteria that decides the selections. Candidates trying to use unfair means shall be disqualified from the selection. No correspondence whatsoever will be entertained from the candidates.
8) The Commission would be analyzing the responses of a candidate with other appeared candidates to detect patterns of similarity. If it is suspected that the responses have been shared and the scores obtained are not genuine/ valid, the Commission reserves the right to cancel his/ her candidature and to invalidate the Answer Sheet.
9) If the candidate noticed any discrepancy printed on Hall ticket as to community, date of birth etc., they may immediately bring to the notice of Commission’s officials/Chief Superintendent in the examination centre and necessary corrections be made in the Nominal Roll, in the Examination Hall against his/her Hall Ticket Number for being verified by the Commission’s Office
To view the complete notification:

1 comment:

  1. I want to apply for the Ordnance Factory Khamaria Jabalpur Recruitment, but the last date to submit the application form has gone. Could you please tell is there any other method to apply for this job. Please reply, I am waiting.
