Wednesday, 17 July 2013

NMDCL Recruitment of Structural Engineer jobs

NMDCL JobsJob details:NMDCL Recruitment 2013: , National Mineral Development Corporation Limited NMDCL has published the recruitment notification for Joint General Manager,Dy. General Manager,Assistant General Manager,Sr. Manager/ Manger,Dy. Manager,Assistant Manager ,Junior Officer  jobs.  interested candidates may apply online mode from official website of NMDCL on or before 12 aug 2013, For more details about NMDCL Structural Engineers jobs given below.

Name of post:Recruitment of Dy. General Manager in National Mineral Development Corporation Limited
Joint General Manager/ Dy. General Manager/ Assistant General Manager/ Sr. Manager/ Manger/ Dy. Manager/ Assistant Manager / Junior Officer 
Posts :
1. Mechanical/ Metallurgy/ Electrical/ Chemical/ Instrumentation/ Civil/ Structural Engineers :   46 posts
2. Industrial Safety :  03 posts
3. Horticulture :  03 posts
4. Ceramic : 01 post
No of post:53 posts
Location of job:Andhra Pradesh
Pay Scale:RS. 19500-450-25350/-
Educational qualification: Degree in Engineering preferably First class in Mechanical/Metallurgy/Electrical/Chemical/Instrumentation/ Civil/ Structural discipline with experience as indicated at II below in operation/maintenance of any of the major units of an integrated steel plant like Raw Material Handing Plant / Coke- Ovens/ By – Product Plant/ Blast Furnace/ Sinter Plant / Steel Melting Shop/ Continuous slab Casting Plant/Hot Strip Rolling Mills/ Lime & Dolomite Plant/ Power Plant/Power & Blowing Station/Oxygen Plant /Utilities including Water Supply, Energy Management, Central Maintenance Dept./ Loco & Traffic/ Central Laboratory Management. (Quality Control of Raw materials, finished products and process control of Integrated Steel Plant etc.,).
Age Limit: 50 years
Important dates:12-08-2013
Selection procedure:The candidates may be selected on the basis of Written Exam and Interview.
How to apply:Interested candidates may send their application in the prescribed format along with copies of certificates to The General Manager (Personnel) NMDC Ltd., 10-3-311/A, Khanij Bhavan, Castle Hills, Masab Tank, Hyderabad - 500028
National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) Limited
(A Govt of India Enterprise)
“Khanij Bhavan”, 10-3-311/A, Masab Tank, Hyderabad-500173
General conditions:
1. Experience and age relaxable and higher start in the time scale may be considered in case of deserving candidates. Candidates may be considered for alower post in case they are found otherwise suitable depending on their qualification, experience, present position and performance in the interview.
2. Apart from pay & IDA, other Perks and Allowances limited to 47% of Basic Pay will be payable. Other benefits include PRP, HRA (depending on place ofposting), CPF, Gratuity, Medical facilities, Group Insurance, etc., as per rules.
3. Mere fulfilling of the minimum qualification and experience will not vest any right in candidates for being called for interview. Decision of management to callthe candidates for interview shall be final. No interim correspondence will be entertained.
4. Outstation candidates called for interview for E7 grade will be reimbursed to & fro single Airfare (Economy class) subject to production of proof. In respect ofother grades candidates called for interview will be reimbursed to and fro single AC II Tier rail fare by shortest route subject to production of proof.
5. Candidates are required to super scribe the Employment Notification No. and post for which they are applying on the envelope while sending the application.Interested candidates meeting the above requirements may send in their Bio-data containing Post applied for, Name, Father’s name, Mailing address,Category (SC/ST/OBC/Ex-SM/PwD), Date of Birth , Qualification (starting from matriculation with name of institution/ university, percentage of marks. Division,year of passing ) specialization, Experience (name of employer, date of joining & leaving, designation, nature of duties, pay scale, last pay drawn) and other
particulars including phone and e-mail id , affixing passport size photograph and copies of certificates to “The General Manager (P&A), NMDC Limited.,10-3-311/A, Khanij Bhavan, Castle Hills, Masab Tank, Hyderabad-500028
To view the complete notification:


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