Saturday, 29 April 2017

TSPSC Staff Nurse Jobs 2017 in AP | TELANGANA

tspsc logoTSPSC-Telangana State Public Service Commission Invites application for staff nurse jobs in residential schools of TSPSC, Hyderabad. Interested Nurse Job aspirants of AP and Telangana can apply for the post of Staff Nurse in Residential Educational Institutions Societies. The last date to apply for staff nurse job is 06 May 2017.More details about nursing jobs in Telangana are given below.

REFERENCE NUMBER: Notification No: 21/2017 Staff nurses in Residential Schools Dated 18 Apr 2017
NAME OF POST: Staff nurses in Residential Schools
tspsc nurse jobs 2017

*Minimum Educational Qualification: Applicants applying for TSPSC Nurse jobs must possess a  General Nursing & Mid Wifery (G.N.M) Course or B.Sc Nursing from a recognized University/ Institution and should have registered under AP/Telangana State Nursing Council.
*Age Limit and Relaxation: Candidates minimum 18 years & Maximum 44 years reckoned as on 01/07/2017.
Age Relaxations:

  • Retrenched temporary employees in the State Census Department with a minimum service of 6 months-3 Years
  • Telangana State Government Employees-5 Years 
  • Ex-Service men & NCC-3 years 
  • SC/ST and BCs-5 Years
  • Physically Handicapped persons-10 Years

FEE: Each applicant must pay Rs. 200/- towards Online Application Processing Fee. This apart, the applicants have to pay RS. 120/- towards examination Fee. Whereas SC/ST/OBC are exempted from application fee. The fee paid online through SBI ePay duly following online instructions once the application form details are submitted by filling TSPSC ID, date of birth and other particulars.
MODE OF SELECTION: Candidates will face a written exam for selection for this tspsc nurse job in TSPSC.Exam is conducted at HYDERABAD (including HMDA Jurisdiction) only or all erstwhile District head quarters. The question paper will be supplied in English version only.
HOW TO APPLY TSPSC NURSE JOB 2017: Interested and eligible candidates have to visit Official website in order to register themselves for One Time Registration process, after completing the registration process the applicants have to fill their Online Application on or before 06th May 2017.For more details about Registration or how to apply visit official website or Official Notification.

  • Submission of ONLINE applications from: 20/04/2017
  • Last date for submission of ONLINE applications: 06/05/2017
  • Hall Tickets can be downloaded 07 days before commencement of Examination.
  • The Examination (Objective Type) is likely to be held: May/June, 2017

Click here to download the advertisement
Click Here To Apply Online
Telangana State Public Service Commission,
Prathibha Bhavan, M.J.road, Nampally, Hyderabad 500001,
Call Center: 040 24655555 / 24606666
1. Applicant must compulsorily fill-up all relevant columns of application and submit application through website only. The particulars made available in the website shall be processed through computer and the eligibility decided in terms of notification.
2. The applications received online in the prescribed proforma available in the website and within the time shall only be considered and the Commission will not be held responsible for any kind of discrepancy.
3. Applicants must upload his/her own scanned photo and signature through J.P.G format.
4. The applicants should not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered, fabricated or suppress any material information while making an application through website.
5. All the essential certificates issued by the competent authority of Telangana State shall compulsorily be kept with the applicants to produce as and when required to do so. Failure to produce the required certificates on the day of verification will lead to disqualification.
6. Important – The claim of the candidates with regard to the date of birth, educational / technical qualifications, experience and community are accepted only provisionally on the information furnished by them in their application form and is subject to verification and satisfaction of the Commission. Mere admission to any test or interview or inclusion of the name of a candidate in a Merit List will not confer on the candidate any right for appointment. The candidature is therefore, provisional at all stages and the Commission reserve the right to reject candidature at any stage of the selection even after the advice has been made.
7. This Recruitment is entrusted to TSPSC along with Finance Clearance vide G.O. Ms. No. 46 Finance (HRM.II) Department, Dt. 07/04/2016, G.O. Ms. No. 94 Finance (HRM.VII) Department, Dt. 03/08/2016, G.O. Ms. No. 114 Finance (HRM.VII) Department, Dt. 12/09/2016, G.O. Ms. No. 212 Finance (HRM.II) Department, Dt. 05/12/2016 and G.O. Ms. No. 14 Finance (HRM.II) Department, Dt. 28/01/2017.


  1. How To Download Lost 10th SSC Original Certificate Memorandum AP Telangana. For more information please log on

  2. Telangana Forest Department Recruitment 2017 is out by the organization through publishing official notification. Check details for the Telangana Forest Department Recruitment 2017 through here.

  3. The candidates may apply online for latest AP Police Recruitment 2018 from the official website.
