job details: SCHEME AND
Scheme for recruitment to
post of inspector
No. of Questions
Duration Maximum Marks
1 General Studies and Mental ability 150 150 Minutes 150
2 Subject: MECH or ELE or CHEM
or INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING. 300 150 Minutes 150
Total - 450
1. General Science – Contemporary developments in Science and
Technology and their implications including matters of every day observation
and experience, as may be expected of a well-educated person who has not made
a special study of any scientific discipline.
2. Current events of national and international importance.
3. History of
4. World Geography and Geography of India with a focus on AP.
5. Indian polity and Economy – including the country’s political
system- rural development – Planning
and economic reforms in
7. DISASTER MANAGEMENT (Source : CBSE Publications)
1. Concepts in disaster management and vulnerability profile of
2. Earth quakes / Cyclones / Tsunami / Floods / Drought – causes and
3. Man made disasters - Prevention strategies.
4. Mitigation strategies / Mitigation measures.
1. Theory of Machines:
Kinematic and dynamic analysis of planar mechanisms, Cams, Gears and
gear trains, Flywheels, Governors, Balancing of rigid rotors, Balancing of
single and multi cylinder engines, Linear vibration analysis of mechanical
systems (single degree and two degrees of freedom), Critical speeds and
whirling of shafts, Automatic Controls, belts and chain drives. Hydrodynamic bearings.
2. Mechanics of Solids: Stress
and strain in two dimensions.
Principal stresses and strains,
Mohr’s construction, linear elastic materials, isotropy and an
isotropy, stress-strain relations, unilaxial loading, thermal stresses. Beams: Banding moment and shear force
diagrams, bending stresses and deflection of beams, Shear stress
distribution. Torsion of shafts,
helical springs. Combined stresses,
Thick and thin walled pressure vessels. Struls and columns, strain energy
concepts and theories of failure.
Rotating discs. Shrink fits.
3. Engineering Materials:
Basic concepts on structure of solids, Crystalline materials, Defects
in crystalline materials, Alloys and
binary phase diagrams, structure and properties of common engineering
materials, Heat treatment of steels, Plastics, Ceramics and composite Materials,
common applications of various materials.
4. Manufacturing Science: Merchant’s force analysis,
5. Manufacturing
Management: Production Planning and
Control, Forecasting-Moving
average, exponential smoothing.
Operations sheduling; assembly line balancing. Product development Breakeven analysis,
Capacity planning. PERT and CPM.
Control Operations: Inventory
control-ABC analysis. EOQ model,
Materials requirement planning. Job
design, job standards, work measurement, quality management quality
control. Operations Research: Linear programming-Graphical and Simplex methods. Transportation and assignment models. Single server queuing model. Value Engineering: Value analysis, for cost/value, Total
quality management and forecasting techniques. Project management.
6. Elements of
Computation: Computer Organisation,
Flow-charting. Features of Common
Computer Languages-FORTRAN d Base III, Lotus 1-2-3 C and Elementary
Concept. Open and closed systems,
Applications of thermodynamic Laws, Gas equations, Clapeyron equation,
Availability, Irreversibility and Tds relations.
8. I.C. Engines, Fuels and Combustion: Spark ignition and compression ignition
Four stroke engine and Two stroke engines, mechanical, thermal and
volumetric efficiency, Heat balance.
Combustion process in S.I. and C.I. engines, preignition detonation
in S.I. engine Diesel knock in C.I. engine, Choice of engine fuels, Octane
and Cetane retings. Alternate fuels
Carburration and Fuel injection, Engine emissions and control, solid, liquid
and gaseous fuels, stoichometric air requirements and excess air factor, fuel
gas analysis, higher and lower calorific values and their measurements.
9. Heat Transfer, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning: One and two dimensional heat
conduction. Heat transfer from
extended surfaces, heat transfer by forced and free convection. Heat exchangers. Fundamentals for diffusive and connective
mass transfer, Radiation laws, heat exchange between black and non black
surfaces, Network Analysis, Heat pump refrigeration cycles and systems,
Condensers, evaporators and expansion devices and controls. Properties and choice of refrigerant,
Refrigeration Systems and components, psychometrics, comfort indices, cooling
loading calculations, solar refrigeration.
10. Turbo-Machines and Power
Plants: Continuity, momentum and
Energy Equations,
Adiabatic and isentropic flow, fanno lines, Raylegh lines. Theory and design of axial flow turbines
and compressors Flow through turbo-machine blade, cascades, and centrifugal
compressor. Dimensional analysis and
modeling. Selection of site for steam,
hydro, nuclear and stand-by power plants, Selection base and peak load power
plants, Modern High pressure, High duty boilers, Draft and dust removal
equipment, Fuel and cooling water systems, heat balance, station and plant
heat rates, operation and maintenance of various power plants, preventive
maintenance, economics of power generation.
Circuits, Instruments and Mechines:
1. Basic Electric Circuits:
Active and passive network elements, dependent and independent sources
– response of passive elements to arbitrary excitations – energy store in
inductance and capacitance – Kirchoff
Laws – formation of mesh and nodal integro differential equations – their
solution by classical and Laplace transform methods – Transient and steady
state response of RL and C elements to impulse, step, ramp and sinusoidal
inputs – Single phase A.C. circuits – methods of solution – Polyphase
circuits – analysis of balanced and unbalanced circuits – measurement of
polyphase power.
2. Electrical measurements and instruments: Objectives of measurements – fundamental
and derived units – absolute measurement of electrical quantities – voltage,
resistance, capacitance and inductance standards. – Instruments – secondary
and absolute instrument types – principles of operation of different types of
instruments – extension of instrument ranges – Measurement of
current, voltage, power and energy – testing of meters – Localisation
of cable faults – Murray loop and Varley loop tests – high voltage
meassurements – high frequency tests – surge or impulse tests testing of
insulating oils. Electronic
instruments – electronic voltmeters – D.C. and A.C. voltmeters – electronic
galvenometers – R.F. and A.F. power measurement – R.F. voltage measurement –
cathods ray oncilloscope.
3. D.C. generators and motors:
Principles of electromechanical energy conversion – basic ideas of
electromagnetic torque – generator action constructional details of D.C.
machines – methods of excitation
characteristics of series, shunt and compound generators and their
application. D.C. motors – principle of operation – back emf – torque
equation – characteristics of different types of motors – applications –
speed control – d.c. starters – Testing of
4. Transformers: Principles of operation – constructional details of
single and polyphase
transformers – core, tank and other auxiliaries – operation on no
load and load – phasor diagram – regulation and efficiency – All-day
efficiency 3 Phase to two phase conversion – Choice of insulation testing of
transformers as per I.S.I.
5. A.C. Generators and motors: Generation of 3-phase power – types of
a.c. generators – steady performance – parallel operation of a.c. generators
– excitation and governing systems – testing of a.c. generators – Synchoronous
motors – principle of operation – power factor control – applications.
6. Induction motors – Principle of operation of 3 phase motors –
mechanism of torque production – types of induction motors – slip torque-slip
characteristics – speed control by conventional methods and solid state
controllers – applications and testing – Single phase motors – Principle of
operation of shaded pole, capacitor motors – Single phase series motors –
phasor diagrams – fractional h.p. motors – applications and testing.
Power generation, transmission, distribution and utilisation:
1. Generation: Types of power stations – Selection of site for steam,
hydro, diesel and nuclear power stations economic choice of different types
of stations – base load and peak load stations – pumped hydrostations –
layout of power stations.
2. Choice of aerial lines: Types of conductors – mechanical
contrution – sag calculations – resistance inductance and capacitance of
lines – bundled conductors – transposition – line calculations – voltage
regulation and efficiency voltage control – corona on overhead lines.
3. Insulators: Types of insulators – string efficiency – methods of
improving string efficiency –
thermal and short circuit testing of insulators and bushings –
dielectric tests and impulse tests as per ISI standards – synthetic testing.
4. Underground cables: Advantages of cables – Insulation of cables –
grading of cables capacitance measurement in cables – types of testing of
cables – mechanical, thermal duty, dielectric, power factor tests power
frequency with stand tests etc.
5. Fault calculations and reactors: Per unit system – Choice of base
values symmetrical components and application to symmetrical and
unsymmetrical faults – reactors and their methods of usage – testing of
6. Relay and circuit breaker applications: General philosophy of
relaying – basic relay elements – types of relays protective schemes of
apparatus, bus and line protection, types of circuit breakers – low, medium
and high voltage breakers – standard ratings of circuit breakers – testing of
circuit breakers.
7. Distribution systems: Types of distribution systems – primary and
secondary distribution systems banking
– general layout of substations – factors affecting the design of substations
– lampt flicker and remedial measures.
8. Power system earthing: Tolerance limits of body shock – soil
resistivity – earth resistance – driven rods, buried horizontal wires –
earthing gold – touch voltage – design of earthing grid-tower footing resistance
measurement of soil resistivity – neutral earthing – grounding
9. Utilisation of electric energy: Industrial drives – motors for
various drives – estimation and rating – mbranking methods – Heating and
welding – Types of electric heating design of the heating element different types of furnaces – welding
practices – Economic of supply – Factors affecting plant
design – load factor, diversity factor, demand factor, use factor and
loss factor – economic choice of equipment – Illumunation – Types of lamps –
factory and domestic lighting – flood lighting – design considerations – Earth pits – methods of
testing wiring installations as per ISI specifications.
(a) Fluid and Particle Dynamics: Viscosity of fluids. Laminar and
turbulent flows. Equation of continuity
and Navier-Stokes equition Bernoulli’s theorem. Flow meters. Fluid drag and
pressure drop due to friction.
Reynolds’s Number and friction factor effect of pipe roughness. Economic pipe
diameter, pumps, water, air/steam jet ejectors, compressors, blowers and
fans. Agitation and mixing of liquids. Mixing of solids and pastes. Crushing
and Grinding – principles and equipment. Rittinger’s
and Bond’s Laws. Filtration and filtration equipment. Fluid-particle mechanics
– free and hindered setting. Fluidisation and minimum fluidization velocity,
concepts of compressible and incompressible flow. Transport of solids.
(b) Mass Transfer: Molecular diffusion coefficients, First and second
law and diffusion, mass transfer coefficients, film and penetration theories
of mass transfer. Distillation, simple distillation, relative volatility,
fractional distillation, plate and packed columns for distillation.
Calculation of theoretical number of plates: Liquid-liquid equilibria.
Extraction theory and practice; Design of gasabsorption columns. Drying,
Humidification, dehumidification. Crystallisation. Design of equipment.
(c) Heat Transfer: Conduction, thermal conductivity, extended surface
heat transfer. Convection – free and forced. Heat transfer coefficients –
Nusselt number. LMTD and effectiveness. NTU methods for the design of Double
Pipe and Shell & Tube heat Exchangers. Analogy between heat and momentum
transfer. Boiling and condensation heat transfer. Single and multiple-effect
evaporators. Rediation – Stefan Boltzman law, emissivity and absorptivity.
Calculation of heat load of a furnace. Solar heaters.
(d) Novel Separation Process: Equilibrium separation processes –
ion-exchange, osmosis, electrodialysis, reverse osmosis, ultra-filtration and
other membrane processes. Molecular distillation. Super critical fluid
(e) Process Equipment Design: Fractors affecting vessel design
criteria – Cost considerations. Design
of storage vessels-vertical, horizontal spherical, underground tanks for
atmospheric and higher pressure, Design of closures flat and eliptical head.
Design of supports. Materials of construction-characteristics and selection.
(f) Process Dynamics and Control:
Measuring instruments for process variables like level,
pressure, flow, temperature pH and concentration with indication in
visual/pneumatic/analog/digital signal
forms. Control variable, manipulative variable and load variables. Linear
control theoryLaplace, transforms. PID controllers. Block diagram
representation. Transient and frequency response, stability of closed loop system.
Advanced control strategies. Computer based process
(g) Material and Energy balances : Material and energy balance
calculations in processes with recycle/bypass/purge.
Combustion of solid/liquid/gaseous fuels, stoichiometric relationships and excess air requirements. Adiabatic flame
(h) Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics: Laws of thermodynamics. PVT
relationships for pure components and mixtures. Energy functions and
inter-relationships – Maxwell’s relations. Fugacity, activity and chemical
potential. Vapour-liquid equilibria, for ideal/non-ideal, single and multi
component systems. Criteria for chemical reaction equilibrium, equilibrium
constant and equilibrium conversions. Thermodynamic cycles – refrigeration
and power.
(i) Chemical Reaction Engineering: Batch reactors – kinetics of
homogeneous reactions and interpretation of kinetic data, ideal flow reactors
– CSTR, plug flow reactors and their performance equations. Temperature
effects and run-away reactions. Heterogeneous reactions – catalytic and
non-catalytic and gas-solid and gas-liquid reactions. Intrinsic kinetics and
global rate concept. Importance of interphase and intraparticle mass transfer
on performance. Effectiveness factor.
Isothermal and non-isothermal reactors and reactor stability.
(j) Chemical Technology: Natural organic products – wood and wood
based chemicals, pulp and paper, Agro Industries – Sugar – Edible oils
extraction (including tree based seeds), Soaps and detergents. Essential oils
– Biomass gasification (including biogas). Coal and coal chemical. Petroleum
and Natural gas – Petroleum refining (Atmospheric
distillation/cracking/reforming) – Petrochemical industries – Polyethylene’s
(LDPE/HDPE/LLDPE), Polyvinyl Chloride Polystyrene. Ammonia manufacture.
Cement and lime industries. Paints and varnishes. Glass and ceramics.
Fermentation – Alcohol and antibiotics.
(k) Environmental Engineering and Safety: Ecology and Environment.
Sources of pollutants in air and water. Green House effect, ozone layer
depletion, acid rain. Micrometeorology and dispersion of pollutants in
environment. Measurement techniques of pollutant levels and their control
strategies. Solid wastes, their hazards and their disposal techniques. Design
and performance analysis of pollution control equipment. Fire and explosion
hazards rating – HAZOP and HAZAN. Emergency
planning, disaster management. Environmental legislation’s – water,
air environment protection Acts.
(l) Process Engineering Economics: Fixed and working capital
requirement for a process industry and estimation methods. Cost estimation
and comparison of alternatives. Net present value by discounted cash flow.
Pay back analysis. IRR, Depreciation, taxes and insurance. Breakeven point
analysis. Project scheduling – PERT and CPM. Profit and loss account, balance
sheet and financial statement. Plant location and plant layout including
1. Theory of Machines:
Kinematic and dynamic analysis
of planar mechanisms, Gams, Gears and gear trains,
Flywheels, Governors, Balancing of rigid motors, Balancing of single and multi
engines, Linear vibration analysis of mechanical systems (single
degree and two degrees of freedom), Critical speeds and whirling of shafts,
Automatic Controls, Belts and chain drives.
Hydrodynamic bearings.
2. Mechanics of Solids
Stress and strain in two
dimensions. Principal stresses and
strains, Mohr’s construction,
linear elastic materials, isotropy and an isotropy, Stress-strain
relations, unilaxial loading,
thermal stresses. Beams: banding moment and shear force diagrams,
bending stresses
and deflection of beams, shear stress distribution. Torsion of shafts, helical springs.
Combined stresses, Thick and thin walled pressure vessels. Struls and columns, strain
energy concepts and theories of failure. Rotating discs, Shrink fits,
3. Engineering Materials
Basic concepts on structure of
solids, Crystalline materials, Defects in crystalline materials, Alloys and
binary phase diagrams, structure and properties of common engineering
materials, Heat treatment of steels, Plastics, Ceramics and composite
Materials, common applications of various materials.
4. Manufacturing Science
Merchant’s force analysis,
economics, Rigid small and flexible automation, NC, CNC, Recent
machining methods – EDM, ECM and ultra sonics. Application of lasers and plasmas, analysis
of forming
processes. High-energy rate
forming jigs, fixtures, tools and gauges, inspection of length, position,
profile and surface finish.
Limits and fits, ISO
System: Types of inter
changeability. Slip gauges and
end bars.
Different types of micrometers.
Height gauges. Tomlinson
gauges. Precision polygon.
Sine bar, Auto collimator.
Dial indicator, Sigma and mechanical comparator, Free Flow and back
pressure type pneumatic comparator.
Application of single, double and triple set jet gauge heads.
Optical projector, Chart
gauges, Micro gauges, Micro gauge bridge lines. Tool maker’s microscope. Floating carriage diameter measuring machine
and coordinate measuring machine.
Measurement of straightness and flatness. Roundness measurement with bench centers
and Talyrond.
Elements of instrumentation
system. Static and dynamic
characteristics. Dynamic
response of first order and second order instruments. Types of error. Displacement
transducers LVDT.
6. Production Management:
Production planning and
control, Forecasting Moving average, exponential smoothing,
Operations scheduling; assembly line balancing. Product development Breakeven analysis,
Capacity planning PERT and CPM.
7. Operations Research:
Linear programming – graphical
method, Simplex, Revised Simplex and Dual Simplex
methods. Duality and economic
interpretation of dual variables.
Post optimal sensitivity
analysis. Integer programming. Transportation, Transshipment,
Assignment and Travelling salesman problems. Dynamic programming –
capital budgeting problem. Game
theory. Waiting lines – single
server and multiple server models based on Poisson’s arrivals.
8. Material Management: Role of material planning. EOQ inventory, control (deterministic and probabilistic models)
MRP – 1 (Inputs& Outputs) MRP-2 Material handling equipment (Selection,
Classification, types) ABC analysis.
Industrial Robots. 14
9. Work Study: Procedure of method study, various charts
used in method study principals of motion of economy. Work place design, egronomics.
Time Study: Calculation of
standard time. Performance rating
types of ratings, work
sampling, types of incentive financial and non-financial. Different wage payment plans.
10. Inspection and Quality Control:
Types and objectives of inspection, SQC and its
principals. Acceptance
sampling, inspection, OC curves, process control charts, Zero
defect concept, Quality development function, TQM
(principals) Taguchi method of total quality, ISO – 9000 series. Reliability – failure concepts.
11. Plant maintenance (objective importance). Types of maintenance (break down,
preventive, scheduled, predictive) plant maintenance schedule. Recent development in plant maintenance
techniques, conditioning monitoring.
Replacement analysis (Reasons and factors considered for equipment
methods like MAPI.
12. Computers in Industrial Engineering: Flow charts, dBase-IV, Lotus 1-2-3 &
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