Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Syllabus of civil assistant surgeons of AP insurance medical service

Post detail: scheme and syllabus of civil assistant surgeons
Degree Standard: the written examination for the post of civil assistant surgeon consists of two papers as follows.
P a p e r - 1 General Studies & Mental ability    150 Marks 150 Questions. 150 Minutes

P a p e r - 2 Subject: (Medical Science &
General Medicine)
                                                                                 300 Marks 150 Questions. 150 Minutes

                                                                        Total: 450 Marks
syllabus for civil assistant surgeons:
1. General Science – Contemporary developments in Science and Technology and their
implications including matters of every day observation and experience, as may be expected of
a well-educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific discipline.
2. Current events of national and international importance.
3. History of India – emphasis will be on broad general understanding of the subject in its social,
Economics, cultural and political aspects with a focus on AP Indian National Movement.
4. World Geography and Geography of India with a focus on AP.
5. Indian polity and Economy – including the country’s political system- rural development –
Planning and economic reforms in India.
6. Mental ability – reasoning and inferences.
(Source : CBSE Publications)
1. Concepts in disaster management and vulnerability profile of India / State of A.P.
2. Earth quakes / Cyclones / Tsunami / Floods / Drought – causes and effects.
3. Man made disasters - Prevention strategies.
4. Mitigation strategies / Mitigation measures.
HUMAN ANATOMY: Gross and microscopic anatomy and movements of shoulder hip and
knee joints – Gross and microscopic anatomy and block supply of lungs, heart, kidneys, liver,
testis and uterus – Gross anatomy of pelvis, perineus and inguinal region, Cross sectional
anatomy of the body at mid-thoracic, upper abdominal, mid-abdominal and pelvic regions.
Major steps in the development of lung, heart, kidney, urinary bladder, uterus, ovary, testis and
their common congenital abnormalistics – Placenta and placental barrier – Neural patnways for
cutaneous semasations and vision cranial nerves iii, iv,v, vi, vii, x; distribution and clinical
significance - Anatomy of the automatic control of gastrointestinal respiratory and reproductive
HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY: Nerve and muscle excitation, conduction and transmission of impulse; mechanism ;of contraction; neuromuscular transmission - Synaptic transmission, reflexes,  control of equilibrium posture and muscle tone. Descending pathways; functions of cerebellum, basal ganglia, reticular formation, hypothalamus limbic system and cerebral cortex – Physiology of sleep and consciousness: E.E.G. – Higher functions of the brain – Vision and hearing – Mechanism of action of hormones; formation, secretion, transport, metabolism, functions and regulation of secretion of pancreas and pituitary glands – Menstrual cycle; lactation, pregnancy Development regulation and fate of blood cells – Cardiac excitation; spread ;of cardiac impulse, E.C.G. cardiac output, blood pressure, Regulation of Cardiovascular functions – Mechanics of respiration and regulation of respiration – Digestion and absorption of food,  regulation of secretion and motility of gastrointestinal tract –Glomerular and tubular functions of kidney – Blood groups, Rh grouping, blood transfusion, and Blood volume.
BIOCHEMISTRY: PH and PK Henderson – Hasselbalch equation – Properties and regulation of enzyme activity; role of high energy phosphates in bioenergetics – Sources, daily
requirements, action and toxicity of vitamins – Metabolism of Lipids, carbohydrates, proteins;
disorders of their metabolism – Chemical nature, structure, synthesis and functions of nucleic
acids and proteins – distribution and regulation of body water and minerals including trace
elements – Acid base balance – Clinical importance of enzymes. PATHOLOGY; Reaction of
cell and tissue of injury; inflammation and repair, disturbances of growth and cancer; genetic
diseases – Pathogenesis and histo-pathology of; rheumatic and ischemic heart disease –
bronchogenic carcinoma, carcinoma breast, oral cancer, cancer colon – Etiology,
pathegenesis and histopathology of: Peptic ulcer – Cirrhesis liver – Glemerulonephritis – Lobar pneumonia –Acute ostoomyclities – Hepatitis – acute pencreatitis – FINE needle aspiration cytology(FNAC) – MICROBIOLOGY: Growth of micro-organisms; sterilization and disinfection bacterial genetics; virus-cell interactions – Immunological principles; acquired immunity; immunity in infections caused by viruses – Diseases caused by and laboratory diagnosis of staphylococcus Enterococcus; Salmonella; Shigella; Edcherichia; Pseudomonas, Vibrio; Adenoviruses; Herpes viruses (including Rubella); Fungi Protozoa; Helminths – AIDS –
diagnostic procedure – PHARMACOLOGY: Drug recepter interaction, mechanism of drug action – Mechanism of action, dosage, metabolism and side effects of the – Pilocarpine, Terbutaline, Metophrolol, Diazepan, Acetylsalicylic Acid Ibubrofen, Furosemide, Metronidazole, Chloroquin, - Mechanism of action, dosage and toxicity of the antibiotics: Ampicillin, Cephalexin,Doxycycline, Chloramphenical, Rifampin, Cefotaxime – Indications, dosage, side-effects and contraindications of the following anti-cancer drugs:- Methotrexate, vincristin, Tamoxifen –Classification, route of administration, mechanism of action and side effects of the :- General amaesthetics, Hypnotics, Analgesics – Forensic Medicine and Toxicology: Forensic examination of injuries and wounds – Physical and chemical examination of blood and seminal stains – Details of forensic examination for establishing identification of persons, pregnancy, abortion rape and virginity.
GENERAL MEDICINES:- 1. Disorders of CNS: Meningitis Eencephalitis, Cerebrovascular
diseases epilepsy, Neoplasms - 2. Disorders of CVS - Rhematic, Ischaemic and congential
heart diseases, Hypertension _ 3. Respiratory diseases – Acute and Chronic infections,
bronchial asthma, Neoplasms, Industrial diseases – 4. Excretory systems – Acute glomerulo
Nephrities, Nephrotic syndrome, chronic phyelonephritis and renal failure – 5. Gastro-Intestinal
disorders – Acid Peptic diseases, Malabsorption syndromes, viral hepatitis, Cirrhosis of liver
pancreatitis - 6. Hematological diseases – Anemias, Coagulation failures, Leukemias,
Lymphomas, Hodgkins disease – 7. Metabolic disorders – Diabetes, Thyrod disorders,
parathyroid diseases – 8. Miscellaneous – Skin disorders – Allergies, Drug reactions, parasitic infestations, Psychiatric disorders: Schizophrenia and depression – 9. Community Medicine – Malaria, Filaria and various national Health programmes – Leprosy, T.B., S.T.D. including AIDS – Parasitic infestations – Hook worm, round warm, Guinea worm, Amoebiasis – 10. Nutrional disorders – Normal nutrition, and deficiency diseases in India.
GENERAL SURGERY: 1. Cervical lymphnodes, parotid tumour and oral cancers  2.
Peripheral arterial diseases  varicose veins, Failariasis 3. Dysfunctions of Thyroid,
Parathyroid adrenal tumors and the surgical aspects  4. Abscess breast and cancer breast
5. Acute and Chronic Appendicitis blleeing peptic ulcer, T.B. of bowel intentinal obstructions 6. Renal mass, retention of Urine Benign Prostatic Hypertrophi  7. Spleno-Megaly, Chronic
Cholecystitis portal Hypertension liver abscess peritonitis, Cancer head of Panchreas  8. Direct and indirect Ingninal Hermias and their complications 9. Fracture of Femur, Spine Poly
trauma and their management.
Antenatal Screening for high-risk pregnancy, Feto-placental development – 2. Labour
management, complications of 3rd stage, post partum hemorrhage, Inversion, Resuscitation of
the new born and premature baby – 3. Diagnosis and management of Pregnancy – induced –
hypertension Eclampsia, anemias – 4. Principles of contraceptive methods – Intrauterine Device oral pills, Tubectomy and Vasectromy. Medical termination of pregnancy including its legal aspects and complications – 5. Etiology, Clinical features, diagnosis and mass screening of cancer cervix leucorrhea, Infertility, Abnormal Uterine bleeding, Amenorrhoea – 6. Miscllaneous: Objectives, components of National Health and Family Welfare Programmes – Maternal and Child health – Family welfare – Nutrition – Immunisations – Population trends and its effect on health and Development.
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