Thursday, 29 August 2013

SPMCIL Recruitment of Various jobs

Job details:SPMCIL Supervisor Vacancy 2013 :  Security Printing Press, A unit of Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Ltd, has Publist notification for the recruitment of 142 posts of  various posts like Office Assistant, Supervisor & Tradesmen vacancies. Eligible candidates can apply through online mode on or before 16.09.2013 . more details about  Security Printing Press Supervisor jobs given  below...

Name of post:Recruitment of  Supervisor in Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Ltd
1. Supervisor (S-1) Printing : 07 posts
2. Supervisor (S-1) Pre-Press : 02 posts
3. Supervisor (S-1) Maintenance (Electrical) : 01
4. Supervisor (S-1) Maintenance (Mechanical) : 01
5. Supervisor (S-1) Control : 06
6. Office Assistant / secretarial Assistant : 24 posts
7. Hindi Typist : 01
8. Tradesmen (Printing) : 32 posts
9. Tradesmen (Pre-press) : 04
10. Tradesmen (Maintenance Mechanical-Mil Wright Mechanic) : 04
11. Tradesmen (Maintenance Mechanical-Machinist) : 02
12. Tradesmen (Electrical) : 06
13. Tradesmen (Control) : 44
14. Tradesmen (Maintenance Civil-Plumber) : 01
15. Maintenance Civil - Mason (Building Construction) : 01
16. Tradesmen (MT Garage)  : 06
No of post:142 Posts
Location of job:Andhra Pradesh
Pay Scale:RS.5200-20200+2000/- Grade Pay CDA Pattern
Educational qualification: Candidates should be done graduation for office Assistant and Hindi typist post, Diploma / Degree required for Supervisor posts in relevant discipline and Matriculation with ITI in relevant field for Tradesmen posts.
Age Limit: As on 20 June 2013 : i) For Supervisor (S-1): 18-30 years ii) For W-3 (Workmen): 18-28 years iii) For W-1 (Workmen) : 18-25 years
Important dates:16-09-2013
Selection procedure:Selection process will be done on the basis of Written Test and Interview.
How to apply:1. Candidates can submit their applications either by OFFLINE MODE or ONLINE MODE as per details given below:
a) Offline Application: In the prescribed format downloaded from the website hyderabad completed in all respects.
b) Online Application: can be submitted on the website  Detailed instructions are given on the website. Candidates applying online are required to take print out of auto generated filledin application format, paste their photograph at the appropriate places and put their signature on all pages of the application form. The completed application, along with prescribed application fee and self-attested copies of testimonials, is to be sent in an envelope superscripted “Application for the post of .......................................” to “Post Box No. 3076, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003” by ordinary post only.
Security Printing Press
(A unit of Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Ltd)
Wholly owned by Government of India
Mint Compound: Saifabad, HYDERABAD – 500 063 (A.P.)
General instruction :
1. The scales are presently on CDA pattern of pay scales but shall be changed to IDA pattern of pay scales soon.
2. No travelling allowances will be paid to the candidates for appearing in the Written Test, Skill Test or Interview. However, for SC/ST candidates appearing in interview Travelling Allowance, only Second Class ordinary fare (to &fro), shall be reimbursed as per Rules on production of journey details including Railway/Bus Tickets by the shortest route. The distance should not be less than 30 kms.
3. The General Manager, Security Printing Press, Hyderabad reserves the right to call only those candidates, who according to his decision are suitable for the post and mere eligibility will not entitle any candidate for being called for interview or selection. In case large numbers of applications are received, the General Manager reserves the right to restrict/ shortlist the candidates to be called for written test/skill test/interview based on merit in particular trade qualification.
4. The number of posts notified shall be increased or decreased as per the need / requirement. The recruitment process for the posts or any particular post(s) can be cancelled/ suspended/ terminated without assigning any reasons. The decision of the management will be final and no appeal will be entertained.
5. Those already working in Central/State Government/PSU/CPSE Organizations must apply through proper channel in the prescribed format. At the time of joining, a proper and unconditional relieving order discharge certificate from the previous employer will have to be produced by the candidate.
6. The place of posting shall be normally Security Printing Press, Hyderabad (A.P) but transferable to any of the units under SPMCIL (Hoshangabad/Nashik/Delhi/ Noida/Mumbai/Kolkata/Dewas/Hyderabad).
7. Applications that are not in conformity with the requirements indicated in this advertisement, incomplete applications and those received after the last date and also applications not accompanied with requisite demand draft will not be entertained.
8. There shall be written test in the relevant field including general knowledge/ maths, and practical test wherever necessary.
9. The medium of question papers for written test for the Supervisor (S-1 Level) and Workmen (W-3 Level) posts shall be English and Hindi. The medium of question papers for written test for the Tradesmen (W-1 Level) posts shall be trilingual i.e., English, Hindi & Telugu.In addition to the written test the candidates applying for the W-3 Level posts are also required to take skill test in English type writing / Hindi type writing respectively, on computer mode.Those passing with the minimum marks prescribed by the committee shall be provisionally allowed to appear in the personal interview.
10. The selected candidates are required to perform the duties as per directions of their superiors and have to perform the duties of any section/ sub-section in Security Printing Press, Hyderabad in printing, control, workshop, office, dispensary as directed and also have to perform the duties of higher/ lower post as per the requirements of the organization. Those selected at the S-1 level are also liable to be posted on the machines and they have to perform their duty as per directions and required to work physically on the machine plant / equipment, etc.
11. Management reserves the right to call for any additional documentary evidence in support of educational qualification and experience of the applicant.
12. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification. 13. For any disputes the jurisdiction shall be Hyderabad.
14. Persons who have been dismissed from the service of any Govt. / PSU/CPSE organization need not apply.
15. Before applying for the post the candidate must ensure that he / she is eligible according to the eligibility criteria as stipulated above. If the candidate is found not eligible his/her candidature will be cancelled at any stage of the recruitment. Please note that even if the candidate qualifies in the written examination / skill test/ interview and subsequently it is found that he/she does not fulfil the eligibility criteria, his/ her candidature will be cancelled.
16. The candidate who appeared in final year examinations and result is awaited can also apply but at the time of joining he/she must submit the original mark sheet along with Degree Certificate in case he is selected in written test/skill test/ interview.
To view the complete notification:


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