Tuesday, 13 August 2013

DEBTS Recovery Tribunal Recruitment of Upper Division Clerk jobs

 DEBTS Recovery Tribunal, Visakhapatnam  jobsDEBTS Recovery Tribunal Vacancy  2013: DEBTS Recovery Tribunal, Visakhapatnam application invited from eligible candidates for filling up of group B and C various vacant posts recruitment on contract basis.Intrested Candidates can apply through prescribed application format only before 30-09-2013,For more details about DEBTS Recovery Tribunal, group B and C various jobs given below..

Name of post:Recruitment of Upper Division Clerk in DEBTS Recovery Tribunal
1. Assistant : 02
2. Accounts Assistant : 01
3. Recovery Inspector : 02
4. Upper Division Clerk : 01
5. Court Master : 01
6. Stenographer Grade D : 01
7. Lower Division Clerk : 01
No of post:09 posts
Location of job:Visakhapatnam
Pay Scale:Selected aspirants will obtain pay under the following pattern
Rs. 9300 – 34800 + grade pay Rs. 4200/- for the post of GROUP ‘B’.
 Rs. 5200 – 20,200 + grade pay Rs. 2400/- for the post of GROUP ‘C’ except post of Lower Division Clerk.
Lower Division Clerk they will receive the Pay band of Rs. 5200 – 20,200 + grade pay Rs. 1900/-.
Educational qualification: Candidates  must have degree/ diploma in relevant discipline for group B posts and matriculation with minimum experience required for the post of Group ‘B’ from any recognized university.
Age Limit: Candidates age must be above of 18 years as on the last date of receipt of application. Relaxation in upper age limit for back ward category candidates would be as per government of India guidelines.
Important dates:30-09-2013
Selection procedure:Selection process will be done on the basis of Written Test and Interview.
How to apply: Eligible candidates may apply through prescribed bio - data within 60 days from the advertisement publication date. Application with the prescribed bio – data dully signed by the applicant and send along with aspirant attested photocopies of 5 years ACR dossiers, vigilance clearance and integrity certificate to the given below address: DEBTS Recovery Tribunal, Visakhapatnam Ground & First Floor, Shree Narayana Bhawan, Dada Gardens, Visakhapatnam - 530020
 DEBTS Recovery Tribunal, Visakhapatnam
Ground & First Floor, Shree Narayana Bhawan,
Dada Gardens, Visakhapatnam - 530020
To view the complete notification:


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