Thursday, 15 August 2013

LIC Financial Service Executives jobs

LIC  jobs
Job details:LIC recruitment  2013 for FSE Job:Life Insurance Corporation of India application invited from eligible candidates for filling up of 107 posts of Financial Service Executives jobs Vacancy..Intrested Candidates can apply through prescribed application format only before 31-08-2013,For more details about LIC  Financial Service Executives jobs given below..

Name of post:Recruitment of Financial Service Executives in Life Insurance Corporation of India
Financial Service Executives (FSE) : 107 Posts
No of post:107 Posts
Location of job:Andhra Pradesh
Pay Scale:RS.5,200 -20,200
Educational qualification: Applicant shall possess the Bachelor’s Degree of a University in India established under a statute. Preference may be given to those applicants who possess the Bachelor Degree or Diploma in Marketing / Management. Good working knowledge of English and also one Regional language preferably local language is desirable. Knowledge of soft skills such as Power Point / Word / Excel would be additional advantage. Candidates already having IRDA licence are not eligible for FSE
Age Limit:  21-35 Years
Important dates:31-08-2013
Selection procedure:Selection process will be done on the basis of Written Test and Interview.
How to apply:Application Form completed in all respects with enclosures should be posted in a closed cover with a superscription on the cover “Engagement of Financial Services Executives, _________ Division” to the LIC divisional Office
Life Insurance Corporation of India
Address: 6-3-870, Balayogi Paryatak Bhavan
(Tourism Plaza) Begumpet Road, Greenlands.
Postal Code: 500016
City Hyderabad
State Andhra Pradesh
General instructions:
(a)Candidates should ascertain, before applying, that they satisfy all the eligibility conditions as stipulated in the notification. Candidates who do not satisfy the eligibility conditions are liable to be disqualified at any stage of selection.
(b)Corporation takes no responsibility for any delay in receiving the Application Form or loss in postal transit.
(c)Application Form not in the prescribed Format or incomplete/unsigned or received without the Demand Draft for application fee wherever applicable or Caste Certificate in case of SC/ST/OBC applicants, shall not be considered and are liable to be rejected.
(d)Application fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances nor will it be held in reserve for future recruitment. The eligible candidates will be intimated separately about the exact date & venue of the examination.
(e)Decision of the Corporation in all matters regarding eligibility, conduct of examination, other tests, Interview, selection and allotment would be final and binding on all candidates. No representation or correspondence will be entertained by the Corporation in this regard.
(f)In case more than one application is received from an applicant for the same Division and/or different Divisions and/or different Zones then, the first application received from the applicant as per entry made in the register maintained by the corporation shall be treated as his only application and all the other applications shall be treated as invalid. In case of any doubt or dispute, the decision of the Zonal Manager shall be final and binding on the applicant.
(g)Agents with inforce licence are not eligible for engagement as FSE.
(h) Spouse of Agent/Employee of Corporation are not eligible for engagement as FSE
To view the complete notification:


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