Saturday, 1 June 2013

Recruitment in Professor in National Institute of Rural Development

govt jobs in NIRD
Job details:NIRD jobs 2013 in Andhra Pradesh:NIRD is the country’s apex body for undertaking training, research, teaching, action research and consultancy activities on various aspects of rural development. It provides an inter-disciplinary academic environment backed by excellent infrastructure including a specialized library and state-of-art computer facilities. The Institute broadly follows the UGC pay scales for academic positions. NIRD invites applications for the following posts on Direct Recruitment basis
Name of post:
I) Professor - 1 post (UR)
2. Associate Professor - 1 post (UR)
3. Assistant Professors – 3 posts (2-UR and 1-OBC)
No of post:05 Posts
Location of job:govt job in Andhra Pradesh
Pay Scale:Rs.37,400-67,000 with AGP of Rs.9,000/-)
Educational qualification:  (i) First or High second class Post Graduate degree (55% and above) in Economics with specialization in Labour Economics or M.Sc.(Statistics) with Econometrics and Ph.D. in Labour Market or Rural Employment /related issues.
Age Limit: No age limit for the above posts
Important dates:17-06-2013
How to apply:Prescribed applications duly filled-in and supported by all relevant documents should reach Assistant Registrar, National Institute of Rural Development, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500 030 on or before 17.06.2013.
National Institute of Rural Development
Address: National Institute of Rural Development Rajendranagar
Postal Code: 500030
City Hyderabad
To view the complete APPSC notification:


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