Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Contract Resident Teachers job in Andhra Pradesh

Rajiv Vidya Mission  Jobs
Job details:Rajiv Vidya Mission (SSA), Hyderabad invites applications from eligible and interested candidates reparation of District-wise panels with eligible female candidates to the posts of Contract Resident Teachers and PETs for filling up existing and future vacancies in the Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas, which are Residential Schools for girls in classes 6 – 10 from eligible female candidates. Candidates are required to apply through prescribed application format only on or before 17.06.2013. For more details of the recruit given below...
Name of post:
Contract Resident Teachers
1. Telugu: 87 Posts
2. Hindi: 63 Posts
3. Urdu: 02 Posts
4. English: 104 Posts
5. Math’s: 127 Posts
6. Physical Science: 104 Posts
7. Bio-Science: 108 Posts
8. Social Studies: 101 Posts
9. PET: 331 Posts
No of post:1137 posts
Location of job:Andhra Pradesh
Pay Scale:Rs. 9000/- per month for CRTs and Rs. 7000/-
Educational qualification: post no 1to 4 : BA with English as the main subject or one of the optional subjects or PG degree in English.,
post no 5 : Bachelors degree with Mathematics / Applied Mathematics / Statistics as main subject or one of three equal optional subjects.
post no 6 : Bachelors degree with at least 2 of the following subjects as optional subjects: Physics / Applied Physics / Engineering Physics & Instrumentation / Chemistry / Applied Chemistry / Pharmaceutical Chemistry / Medical Chemistry / Geology / Biochemistry / or Physics / Chemistry or their allied subjects as the main subject and the other as ancillary.
post no 7 : Bachelors degree with Botany and Zoology as optional subjects or one of the two as main and the other as ancillary, or any 2 other allied subjects, viz. Public Health / Human Genetics / Biochemistry / Genetics / Env. Science / Microbiology / Bio technology / Industrial Microbiology / Agriculture / Food Technology / Fisheries / Nutrition / Geology / Sericulture / Horticulture / Forestry / Poultry.
post no 8 : Bachelors degree with any of the following as optional or one as Main and the other as Ancillary – History / Geography / Economics / Pol. Science / Public Admn. / Sociology / Commerce / Social Anthropology / Ancient Indian Culture and History and Archeology / Anthropology / Social Work / Philosophy / Psychology OR B.Com. with any 4 of the following: Economics / Business Economics / Business Organisation and Management / Statistics / Finance Services and Banking / Accountancy / Fundamentals of IT.
post no 9 : Intermediate. How to Apply: The completed application in the prescribed format along with all relevant documents should reach the District Project Office of RVM (SSA) of the concerned districts only.
Age Limit: Proof of age as recorded in SSC Certificate or equivalent.
Important dates:Opening date of Issue of notification at district level 11-06-13
Last date for receipt of application 17-06-13
Written examination at District level 23-06-13
Publication of the merit list 24-06-13
Interview 27-06-13
Final list of Selected Candidates for the Panel 28-06-13
Selection procedure:a) Candidates shall be selected based on written test.
b) Candidates who clear the written test will also be interviewed to observe teaching  skills
Rajiv Vidya Mission (SSA), Hyderabad ,
Andhra Pradesh
To view the complete notification:

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