Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Recruitment in General Manager in BDL-AP

job in BDL
Job details:Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) is a high-technology fast growing Mini Ratna PSU under the Ministry of Defence. BDL requires candidates for following disciplines through Online submission of applications .

Name of post:Recruitment in Bharat Dynamics Limited
General Manager (Finance) : 02 posts
Additional General Manager (Personnel & Administration) : 01 post
Deputy General Manager (Personnel & Administration) : 01 post
Deputy Manager (Personnel & Administration) : 05 posts
Deputy Manager (Mechanical) : 21 posts
Deputy Manager (Electronics) : 12 posts
Deputy Manager (Computers) : 09 posts
Deputy Manager (Electrical) : 03 posts
Deputy Manager (IMM) : 07 posts
Deputy Manager (Radar) : 04 posts
Deputy Manager (Liaison) : 01 post
Management Trainee (Finance) : 11 posts
No of post:77Posts
Location of job:Andhra Pradesh
Pay Scale:43200-66000
Educational qualification: minimum 1 (one) year in the immediate lower pay scale or equivalent.
DGM (P&A) - Minimum of 14 years in Medium / Heavy industries preferably in PSUs in the relevant area with minimum 1 (one) year in the immediate lower pay scale or equivalent.
DM (P&A) - Minimum of 5 years in Medium / Heavy industries preferably in PSUs in the relevant area with minimum 1 (one) year in the immediate lower pay scale or equivalent.
Age Limit: For CA/ICWAI – 28 years (General/OBC) and 33 years (SCs/STs), in respect of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs)upper age limit is relaxable by 10 years which is over and above the relaxation admissible for CA/ICWAI candidates. 
Important dates:28-01-2013
Selection procedure:For the posts of GM, AGM, DGM, and DM are by Interview and for Management Trainees are by Written Test & Interview. The final selection of the candidate(s) will be based on the merit.
How to apply:Application should be submitted Online by logging on to BDL website and click on "Recruitment" and subsequently Applications should be submitted strictly ONLINE by logging on to BDL Website http://bdl.ap.nic.in and click on“Careers” > “Recruitment” and subsequently enter on relevant post being applied. Applications will not be accepted through any other mode. The Website will be kept open from 15-12-2012 and closes on 02-01-2013 at 1600 hrs for submission of online application form. Candidates are allowed to apply only once and applications once submitted cannot be altered under any circumstances. Candidates are required to possess a valid e-mail ID, which is to be entered in the Application form, so that intimation regarding downloading of call letter for Written Test / Interview can be sent. BDL will not be responsible for bouncing/loss of any e-mail sent to the candidates, due to invalid / wrong email ID provided by the candidate or delivery of e-mail to spam / bulk mail folder or for delay / not receipt of information, if the candidate fails to access his/her mail / website in time. However, necessary information will be hosted on BDL’s Website from time to time. Candidates other than SC/ST and PWD are required to furnish the details of Demand Draft in order to register their application Online. On submission and acceptance of application, the System will generate Registration Number and the candidates have to print the registration slips.It is mandatory to write his/her Name and the registration number allotted, on the reverse side of the Demand Draft and SC/ST/PWD on the reverse side of the certificates, which is to be forwarded along with registration slip and duly filled in Bio-Data (as per proforma at Annexure - I) to “AGM, (HRD), Bharat Dynamics Limited, Kanchanbagh,Hyderabad – 500 058”
Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL)
(A Govt. of India Enterprise) (Ministry of Defence)
Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad-500058
To view the complete notification:


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