Sunday, 27 May 2012

recruitment of Junior Accountants Category–IV in A P Municipal Accounts Subordinate Service.

post detail: Junior Accountants group–IV job in andhra pradesh
name of post: Junior Accountants group–IV
no of post:109 posts
educational qualification:the candidates applying for junior accountant post in a p must have following qualification Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce of a University in Indian established or incorporated by or under Central Act, Provincial Act or a State Act or an institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an equivalent qualification.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

recruitment of Accountants A P Municipal Subordinate Service

job detail: Accounts Officer Category-I ,II,III jobs in andhra pradesh
name of post:
1. Accounts Officer Category-I in A.P.Municipal Accounts Subordinate Service-10
2. Junior Accounts Officer Category-II in A.P. Municipal Accounts Subordinate Service-46
3. Senior Accountants Category-III in A.P. Municipal Accounts Subordinate Service-103
no of post:159 Posts
educational qualification:the applicant must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce of a University in Indian established or incorporated by or under Central Act, Provincial Act or a State Act or an institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an equivalent qualification.

Saturday, 19 May 2012

recruitment of assistant director job in AP Life Insurance Service

post detail:Assistant Director job vacancies in A P Life Insurance (Gazetted) Service
name of post  :Assistant Director
no of post : 06
educational qualification : candidates applying for assistant director in A P. Must hold a Degree in Commerce or Economics or Mathematics from a recognized University in India.
age limit: Age of candidates should 18 to36 age as on the date of 01/07/2011.
salary : rs 18,030 - 43,630/-
application fee:application processing fee 100/- and examination fee 120/-

Friday, 18 May 2012

senior reporter job vacancies in Andhra Pradesh police service

post detail: Senior Reporters (Gazetted) English / Telugu / Urdu in A.P. Police (Intelligence) Service
name of post: Senior Reporter
no of post:10
educational qualification: the candidates applying for senior reporter post must have following qualification
i). Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree of University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, Provincial Act or a State Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an equivalent qualification.
ii). Must have passed Shorthand and Typewriting (English/Telugu/Urdu) examination by the Higher Grade conducted by the Andhra Pradesh State Board of Technical Education.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Scheme and syllabus for post of inspector of factory

                                   Scheme for recruitment to post of inspector
Paper Subject                                No. of Questions      Duration    Maximum Marks
1 General Studies and Mental ability                        150                         150 Minutes            150
2 Subject: MECH or ELE or CHEM
or INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING.                             300                         150 Minutes             150
 Total - 450

1. General Science – Contemporary developments in Science and Technology and their implications including matters of every day observation and experience, as may be expected of a well-educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific discipline.
2. Current events of national and international importance.
3. History of India – emphasis will be on broad general understanding of the subject in its social, economic, cultural and political aspects with a focus on AP Indian National Movement.
4. World Geography and Geography of India with a focus on AP.
5. Indian polity and Economy – including the country’s political system- rural development –  Planning and economic reforms in India
6. Mental ability – reasoning and inferences.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

inspector job vacancy in andhra pradesh factory service

job detail:recruitment of inspector in andhra pradesh factory services
name of post:Inspector of Factories in A P Factories Service.
no of post:11 Posts
educational qualification:candidates applying for inspector of factories in A P must have following qualification.
Must possess a Degree in Mechanical or Electrical or Chemical or Industrial Engineering of a University in Indian established or incorporated by or under Central Act, Provincial Act or a State Act or an institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an equivalent qualification.
Must have minimum 2 years industrial work experience in the medium and large scale manufacturing process industries preferably in the field of Industrial Safety, Occupational Safety, Health & Environment Management.The experience certificate shall be issued by the Chief Executive of the concerned Industry in which the applicant is employed.

Monday, 14 May 2012

senior stenographer job vacancy in andhra pradesh

job detail:recruitment of senior stenographer job  in andhra pradesh
name of post:
a.Senior Stenographer in A.P.Secretariat Sub Service-28
b.Senior Stenographer in A.P.Tribunal-01
c.Senior Stenographer in A.P.Ministerial Service-45

no of post:74 Posts
educational qualification:
01. Senior Stenographers in A.P. Secretariat Sub Service- Must hold a Bachelor’s Degree of a University in India established
or incorporated by or under a Central Act, Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any other equivalent qualification and
a) Pass in Typewriting and Shorthand Higher in English, and
b) Pass in Typewriting and Shorthand Lower Grade in Telugu.
02. Senior Stenographer in A.P. Tribunal- Must hold B.A./ B.Sc./B.Com or equivalent qualification. Type Writing Higher Grade, Shorthand Higher (Both in English).
03.Senior Stenographers in A.P. Ministerial Service-
a) Academic Qualifications: Intermediate.
b) Technical Qualifications: Pass in Shorthand and Typewriting by Higher Grade in the concerned language conducted by State Board of Technical Education of A.P. Government or any other equivalent qualification as provided for in APMS Rules.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Scheme and syllabus of various post of group 4 service


                                       Scheme for recruitment to post under group 4
Paper Subject                                No. of Questions      Duration    Maximum Marks
1 GENERAL STUDIES                         150                         150 Minutes            150
2 SECRETARIAL ABILITIES                150                         150 Minutes             150
 Total - 300

Syllabus for recruitment to post under group 4:
PAPER-I : General Studies :
1) History
2) Geography
3) Civics
4) Economics
5) Physics
6) Chemistry
7) Botany
8) Zoology
9) Current Affairs &
10) DISASTER MANAGEMENT : (Source : CBSE Publications)
1. Concepts in disaster management and vulnerability profile of India / State of A.P.
2. Earth quakes / Cyclones / Tsunami / Floods / Drought – causes and effects.
3. Man made disasters - Prevention strategies.
4. Mitigation strategies / Mitigation measures.
PAPER-II: Secretarial Abilities:
1) Mental Ability (Verbal and non-verbal)
2) Logical Reasoning
3) Comprehension
4) Re-arrangement of sentences with a view to improve analysis of a passage
5) Numerical and Arithmetical abilities.

For the complete syllabus of recruitment of various post under appsc group 4 service the applicant must visit .in this site individual get full detail of syllabus of individual post.

To view the complete notification:

Saturday, 12 May 2012

appsc group 4 job vacancies 2012

job details:APPSC GROUP-4 jobs in andhra pradesh
name of post:
1. Junior Accountants in Treasures and Accounts subordinate service: 217 Posts
2. Junior Assistants in Registration and Stamps Department: 114 Posts
3. Junior Assistants from CCLA: 952 Posts
4. Junior Assistants from Prisons and Correctional Department: 43 Posts
5. Junior Assistants in Social Welfare Dept.: 03 Posts
6. Junior Assistants in Fire Dept.: 06 Posts

no of post:1335 Posts
educational qualification:
For Jr. Accountant: Pass in Intermediate Examination with Technical Education and Training, A.P Certificate course in Office Automation, PC Maintenance and Trouble Shooting, and Web designing or Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) or B.Sc., (Comp.) or B.Com (Comp.) or B.A.(Comp.) or B.Tech/B.E. with Computer Science or Information Technology
For Jr. Assistant: Candidate should pass Intermediate examination conducted by the A.P. State Board

Friday, 11 May 2012

Scheme and syllabus of assistant executive engineers posts of AP

job details: scheme and syllabus of assistant executive engineers
                                       Scheme of assistant executive engineers


i) General Studies & Mental Ability
150 Marks
150 Questions
150 Minutes
PAPER 2 : Concerned Subject

Civil & Mechanical (Common)
150 Marks 150 Questions 150 Minutes

150 Marks 150 Questions 150 Minutes

Total: 450 Marks
syllabus for assistant executive engineers:

1. General Science – Contemporary developments in Science and Technology and their
implications including matters of every day observation and experience, as may be expected of
a well-educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific discipline.
2. Current events of national and international importance.
3. History of India – emphasis will be on broad general understanding of the subject in its social,
economic, cultural and political aspects with a focus on AP Indian National Movement.
4. World Geography and Geography of India with a focus on AP.
5. Indian polity and Economy – including the country’s political system- rural development –
Planning and economic reforms in India.
6. Mental ability – reasoning and inferences.
7. DISASTER MANAGEMENT (Source : CBSE Publications)
1. Concepts in disaster management and vulnerability profile of India / State of A.P.
2. Earth quakes / Cyclones / Tsunami / Floods / Drought – causes and effects.
3. Man made disasters - Prevention strategies.
4. Mitigation strategies / Mitigation measures.

For the syllabus of optional paper 2 and 3 of assistant executive engineer job the applicant must visit .in this site individual get full detail of syllabus of individual post.

To view the complete notification:

Thursday, 10 May 2012

APPSC Assistant Executive Engineers Recruitment 2012

job details: appsc invites application for assistant executive engineers
Name of post: Assistant Executive Engineers (Civil) in I & CAD Engineering Service: 1170 posts.
Assistant Executive Engineers (Mechanical) in I & CAD Engineering Service: 130 posts.
Assistant Executive Engineers (Civil) in R & B Engineering Service: 374 posts.
Assistant Executive Engineers (Electrical) in R & B Engineering Service: 24 posts.
Assistant Executive Engineers in Panchayat Raj in Civil / Mechanical Branches Engineering Service: 214 posts.
Assistant Executive Engineers in Tribal Welfare Engineering Service in Civil / Mechanical Engineering Branch: 14 posts.
Assistant Executive Engineers (Civil) in RWS & S Engineering Service: 536 posts.
Assistant Executive Engineers (Civil /Mechanical)in Public Health and Municipal Engineering Service: 94 posts.
Senior Architectural Assistant (AEE CADRE) Architectural Engineering Branch in R & B Engineering Service: 08 posts.
no of posts : 2564 posts
educational qualification: AEE (Civil) in I & CADEngg. Ser: Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering of a University in India established.
AEE (Mechanical) in I & CAD Engg. Ser: Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering of a University in India.
AEE’s (Civil) in R & BEngg. Ser: Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering of a University.
AEE’s (Electrical) in R & B Engg. Ser: Must possess a Bachelors Degree in Electrical Engineering.
AEE’s in Panchayat Raj in Civil / Mechanical Branches Engg. Ser: Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil or Mechanical Engineering.
AEE’s in Tribal Welfare Engg. Service in Civil / Mech. Engg. Branch: Must be a graduate in Engineering (Civil/Mechanical) from any University in Indian.
Assistant Executive Engineers (Civil) in RWS & S Engineering Service: Must possess a Degree in Engineering (Civil).
age limit: Minimum 18 years & Maximum 36* years as on 01/07/2011.
important dates:
Start Date for Submitting Application-24/04/2012            
Last Date for Payment of fees-21/05/2012
Last date for Submitting Application- 23/05/2012         
Written Examination-01/07/2012
selection procedure:
1. The minimum qualifying marks for selection are OCs 40%, BCs 35% SCs, STs and PH 30% or as per rules. The minimum qualifying marks are relaxable in the case of SC/ST/BC/PH on the discretion of the Commission.
2. The candidates will be selected and allotted to Service/ Department as per their rank in the merit list against the vacancies available.N.B. Mere securing minimum qualifying marks does not vest any right in a candidate for being considered for selection.
3. The appearance in all the papers at the Written Examination as per rules is compulsory. Absence in any of the papers will automatically render his candidature as disqualified.
4. Candidates have to produce Original documents and other particulars on the day of verification date itself for verification as and when required and called for.
5. While the Commission calls for preference of candidates in respect of posts etc., in the application form, it is hereby clarified that the said preferences are only indicative for being considered to the extent possible but not binding or limiting the Commission’s powers enjoyed under Article 315 and 320 of the Constitution of India. Therefore, the Commission has the power to assigning a successful candidate to any of the notified posts for which he is considered by them to be qualified and eligible, subject to fulfilling the selection criterion.
6. The appointment of selected candidates will be subject to their being found medically fit in the appropriate medical classification, and if he/she is of sound health, active habits free from any bodily defect or infirmity.
how to apply:
I Step: The Candidate has to logon to the WEBSITE ( and enter his/her Basic Personal Details like Name, Father’s Name, Date of Birth, and Community.
II Step: Immediately on entering the above details the Applicant will get (downloadable)- Challan Form to pay the Fee at AP Online centers /State Bank of India.
III Step: The Applicant should pay the prescribed Fee in any one of the A.P. Online centers / State Bank of India and obtain Fee paid challan with Journal Number in the first instance.
IV Step: On the next working day after payment of Fee the Applicant should again visit WEBSITE and enter the Journal Number to get and fill the format of Application and should submit ON-LINE.
V Step: Affix your recent Colour Passport Size Photograph on a White Paper and then sign below the photograph with Black Pen. Scan the above Photo and Signature and Upload in the appropriate space provided (JPG Format) in Application Form.
VI Step: The applicants have to invariably fill all the relevant columns in the Application and should submit ON-LINE.
address:Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission
To view the complete notification:

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Syllabus of civil assistant surgeons of AP insurance medical service

Post detail: scheme and syllabus of civil assistant surgeons
Degree Standard: the written examination for the post of civil assistant surgeon consists of two papers as follows.
P a p e r - 1 General Studies & Mental ability    150 Marks 150 Questions. 150 Minutes

P a p e r - 2 Subject: (Medical Science &
General Medicine)
                                                                                 300 Marks 150 Questions. 150 Minutes

                                                                        Total: 450 Marks
syllabus for civil assistant surgeons:
1. General Science – Contemporary developments in Science and Technology and their
implications including matters of every day observation and experience, as may be expected of
a well-educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific discipline.
2. Current events of national and international importance.
3. History of India – emphasis will be on broad general understanding of the subject in its social,
Economics, cultural and political aspects with a focus on AP Indian National Movement.
4. World Geography and Geography of India with a focus on AP.
5. Indian polity and Economy – including the country’s political system- rural development –
Planning and economic reforms in India.
6. Mental ability – reasoning and inferences.
(Source : CBSE Publications)
1. Concepts in disaster management and vulnerability profile of India / State of A.P.
2. Earth quakes / Cyclones / Tsunami / Floods / Drought – causes and effects.
3. Man made disasters - Prevention strategies.
4. Mitigation strategies / Mitigation measures.
HUMAN ANATOMY: Gross and microscopic anatomy and movements of shoulder hip and
knee joints – Gross and microscopic anatomy and block supply of lungs, heart, kidneys, liver,
testis and uterus – Gross anatomy of pelvis, perineus and inguinal region, Cross sectional
anatomy of the body at mid-thoracic, upper abdominal, mid-abdominal and pelvic regions.
Major steps in the development of lung, heart, kidney, urinary bladder, uterus, ovary, testis and
their common congenital abnormalistics – Placenta and placental barrier – Neural patnways for
cutaneous semasations and vision cranial nerves iii, iv,v, vi, vii, x; distribution and clinical
significance - Anatomy of the automatic control of gastrointestinal respiratory and reproductive
HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY: Nerve and muscle excitation, conduction and transmission of impulse; mechanism ;of contraction; neuromuscular transmission - Synaptic transmission, reflexes,  control of equilibrium posture and muscle tone. Descending pathways; functions of cerebellum, basal ganglia, reticular formation, hypothalamus limbic system and cerebral cortex – Physiology of sleep and consciousness: E.E.G. – Higher functions of the brain – Vision and hearing – Mechanism of action of hormones; formation, secretion, transport, metabolism, functions and regulation of secretion of pancreas and pituitary glands – Menstrual cycle; lactation, pregnancy Development regulation and fate of blood cells – Cardiac excitation; spread ;of cardiac impulse, E.C.G. cardiac output, blood pressure, Regulation of Cardiovascular functions – Mechanics of respiration and regulation of respiration – Digestion and absorption of food,  regulation of secretion and motility of gastrointestinal tract –Glomerular and tubular functions of kidney – Blood groups, Rh grouping, blood transfusion, and Blood volume.
BIOCHEMISTRY: PH and PK Henderson – Hasselbalch equation – Properties and regulation of enzyme activity; role of high energy phosphates in bioenergetics – Sources, daily
requirements, action and toxicity of vitamins – Metabolism of Lipids, carbohydrates, proteins;
disorders of their metabolism – Chemical nature, structure, synthesis and functions of nucleic
acids and proteins – distribution and regulation of body water and minerals including trace
elements – Acid base balance – Clinical importance of enzymes. PATHOLOGY; Reaction of
cell and tissue of injury; inflammation and repair, disturbances of growth and cancer; genetic
diseases – Pathogenesis and histo-pathology of; rheumatic and ischemic heart disease –
bronchogenic carcinoma, carcinoma breast, oral cancer, cancer colon – Etiology,
pathegenesis and histopathology of: Peptic ulcer – Cirrhesis liver – Glemerulonephritis – Lobar pneumonia –Acute ostoomyclities – Hepatitis – acute pencreatitis – FINE needle aspiration cytology(FNAC) – MICROBIOLOGY: Growth of micro-organisms; sterilization and disinfection bacterial genetics; virus-cell interactions – Immunological principles; acquired immunity; immunity in infections caused by viruses – Diseases caused by and laboratory diagnosis of staphylococcus Enterococcus; Salmonella; Shigella; Edcherichia; Pseudomonas, Vibrio; Adenoviruses; Herpes viruses (including Rubella); Fungi Protozoa; Helminths – AIDS –
diagnostic procedure – PHARMACOLOGY: Drug recepter interaction, mechanism of drug action – Mechanism of action, dosage, metabolism and side effects of the – Pilocarpine, Terbutaline, Metophrolol, Diazepan, Acetylsalicylic Acid Ibubrofen, Furosemide, Metronidazole, Chloroquin, - Mechanism of action, dosage and toxicity of the antibiotics: Ampicillin, Cephalexin,Doxycycline, Chloramphenical, Rifampin, Cefotaxime – Indications, dosage, side-effects and contraindications of the following anti-cancer drugs:- Methotrexate, vincristin, Tamoxifen –Classification, route of administration, mechanism of action and side effects of the :- General amaesthetics, Hypnotics, Analgesics – Forensic Medicine and Toxicology: Forensic examination of injuries and wounds – Physical and chemical examination of blood and seminal stains – Details of forensic examination for establishing identification of persons, pregnancy, abortion rape and virginity.
GENERAL MEDICINES:- 1. Disorders of CNS: Meningitis Eencephalitis, Cerebrovascular
diseases epilepsy, Neoplasms - 2. Disorders of CVS - Rhematic, Ischaemic and congential
heart diseases, Hypertension _ 3. Respiratory diseases – Acute and Chronic infections,
bronchial asthma, Neoplasms, Industrial diseases – 4. Excretory systems – Acute glomerulo
Nephrities, Nephrotic syndrome, chronic phyelonephritis and renal failure – 5. Gastro-Intestinal
disorders – Acid Peptic diseases, Malabsorption syndromes, viral hepatitis, Cirrhosis of liver
pancreatitis - 6. Hematological diseases – Anemias, Coagulation failures, Leukemias,
Lymphomas, Hodgkins disease – 7. Metabolic disorders – Diabetes, Thyrod disorders,
parathyroid diseases – 8. Miscellaneous – Skin disorders – Allergies, Drug reactions, parasitic infestations, Psychiatric disorders: Schizophrenia and depression – 9. Community Medicine – Malaria, Filaria and various national Health programmes – Leprosy, T.B., S.T.D. including AIDS – Parasitic infestations – Hook worm, round warm, Guinea worm, Amoebiasis – 10. Nutrional disorders – Normal nutrition, and deficiency diseases in India.
GENERAL SURGERY: 1. Cervical lymphnodes, parotid tumour and oral cancers  2.
Peripheral arterial diseases  varicose veins, Failariasis 3. Dysfunctions of Thyroid,
Parathyroid adrenal tumors and the surgical aspects  4. Abscess breast and cancer breast
5. Acute and Chronic Appendicitis blleeing peptic ulcer, T.B. of bowel intentinal obstructions 6. Renal mass, retention of Urine Benign Prostatic Hypertrophi  7. Spleno-Megaly, Chronic
Cholecystitis portal Hypertension liver abscess peritonitis, Cancer head of Panchreas  8. Direct and indirect Ingninal Hermias and their complications 9. Fracture of Femur, Spine Poly
trauma and their management.
Antenatal Screening for high-risk pregnancy, Feto-placental development – 2. Labour
management, complications of 3rd stage, post partum hemorrhage, Inversion, Resuscitation of
the new born and premature baby – 3. Diagnosis and management of Pregnancy – induced –
hypertension Eclampsia, anemias – 4. Principles of contraceptive methods – Intrauterine Device oral pills, Tubectomy and Vasectromy. Medical termination of pregnancy including its legal aspects and complications – 5. Etiology, Clinical features, diagnosis and mass screening of cancer cervix leucorrhea, Infertility, Abnormal Uterine bleeding, Amenorrhoea – 6. Miscllaneous: Objectives, components of National Health and Family Welfare Programmes – Maternal and Child health – Family welfare – Nutrition – Immunisations – Population trends and its effect on health and Development.
To view the complete notification:

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Civil assistant surgeons job in A P insurance medical service

name of post: civil assistant surgeon
no of post:319
educational qualification: the candidates applying for civil assistant surgeon post must have possess the qualifications from a recognized University as detailed below
(a) M.B.B.S. Degree or an equivalent qualification as entered in the schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 as subsequently amended.
(b) Must be a permanent Registered Medical Practitioner with in the meaning of the Law for the time being existing in the State.
age limit: Minimum 18 years & Maximum 36* years as on 01/07/2011.
important dates:
Start Date for Submitting Application-18/05/2012            
Last Date for Payment of fees-16/06/2012
Last date for Submitting Application- 18/06/2012         
Written Examination-05/08/2012
selection procedure:
1. The minimum qualifying marks for selection are OCs 40%, BCs 35% SCs, STs and PH 30% or as per rules. The minimum qualifying marks are relaxable in the case of SC/ST/BC/PH on the discretion of the Commission.
2. The candidates will be selected and allotted to Service/ Department as per their rank in the merit list against the vacancies available.N.B. Mere securing minimum qualifying marks does not vest any right in a candidate for being considered for selection.
3. The appearance in all the papers at the Written Examination as per rules is compulsory. Absence in any of the papers will automatically render his candidature as disqualified.
4. Candidates have to produce Original documents and other particulars on the day of verification date itself for verification as and when required and called for.
5. While the Commission calls for preference of candidates in respect of posts etc., in the application form, it is hereby clarified that the said preferences are only indicative for being considered to the extent possible but not binding or limiting the Commission’s powers enjoyed under Article 315 and 320 of the Constitution of India. Therefore, the Commission has the power to assigning a successful candidate to any of the notified posts for which he is considered by them to be qualified and eligible, subject to fulfilling the selection criterion.
6. The appointment of selected candidates will be subject to their being found medically fit in the appropriate medical classification, and if he/she is of sound health, active habits free from any bodily defect or infirmity.
Fee: the candidate Applying for the following post will pay  Rs. 100/- towards Application Processing Fee and Examination Fee RS.120/-.
how to apply:
I Step: The Candidate has to log on to the WEBSITE ( and enter his/her Basic Personal Details like Name, Father’s Name, Date of Birth, and Community.
II Step: Immediately on entering the above details the Applicant will get (downloadable)- Challan Form to pay the Fee at AP Online centers /State Bank of India.
III Step: The Applicant should pay the prescribed Fee in any one of the A.P. Online centers / State Bank of India and obtain Fee paid challan with Journal Number in the first instance.
IV Step: On the next working day after payment of Fee the Applicant should again visit WEBSITE and enter the Journal Number to get and fill the format of Application and should submit ON-LINE.
V Step: Affix your recent Colour Passport Size Photograph on a White Paper and then sign below the photograph with Black Pen. Scan the above Photo and Signature and Upload in the appropriate space provided (JPG Format) in Application Form.
VI Step: The applicants have to invariably fill all the relevant columns in the Application and should submit ON-LINE.
address: Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission
To view the complete notification:

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Manager engineering jobs in Andhra pradesh

job details: Manager engineering jobs in Andhra Pradesh
name of post: manager (engineering from stream like civil, electrical , mechanical ,computer and electro &tele comm)
no of post:80
educational qualification: the candidates applying for manager (engineering) must Must possess a Degree in Engineering in the Concerned (Civil / Mechanical/ Electrical/
Electronics & Communication / Computer Science / Information Technology) Engineering Branch of a University or an equivalent qualification as recognized by the U.G.C.

age limit: Minimum 18 years & Maximum 36* years as on 01/07/2011.

important dates:
Start Date for Submitting Application-29/05/2012            
Last Date for Payment of fees-27/06/2012
Last date for Submitting Application- 29/06/2012         
Written Examination-29/07/2012
selection procedure:
1. The minimum qualifying marks for selection are OCs 40%, BCs 35% SCs, STs and PH 30% or as per rules. The minimum  qualifying marks are relaxable in the case of SC/ST/BC/PH on the discretion of the Commission.
2. The candidates will be selected and allotted to Service/ Department as per their rank in the merit list against the vacancies  available.N.B.: Mere securing minimum qualifying marks does not vest any right in a candidate for being considered for selection.
3. The appearance in all the papers at the Written Examination as per rules is compulsory. Absence in any of the papers will  automatically render his candidature as disqualified.
4. Candidates have to produce Original documents and other particulars on the day of verification date itself for verification as and when required and called for.
5. While the Commission calls for preference of candidates in respect of posts etc., in the application form, it is hereby clarified that the said preferences are only indicative for being considered to the extent possible but not binding or limiting the  Commission’s powers enjoyed under Article 315 and 320 of the Constitution of India. Therefore, the Commission has the  power to assigning a successful candidate to any of the notified posts for which he is considered by them to be qualified and eligible, subject to fulfilling the selection criterion.
6. The appointment of selected candidates will be subject to their being found medically fit in the appropriate medical  classification, and if he/she is of sound health, active habits free from any bodily defect or infirmity.
how to apply:
I Step: The Candidate has to log on to the WEBSITE ( and enter his/her Basic Personal Details like Name, Father’s Name, Date of Birth, and Community.
II Step: Immediately on entering the above details the Applicant will get (downloadable)- Challan Form to pay the Fee at AP Online centers /State Bank of India.
III Step: The Applicant should pay the prescribed Fee in any one of the A.P. Online centers / State Bank of India and obtain  Fee paid challan with Journal Number in the first instance.
IV Step: On the next working day after payment of Fee the Applicant should again visit WEBSITE and enter the Journal  Number to get and fill the format of Application and should submit ON-LINE.
V Step: Affix your recent Colour Passport Size Photograph on a White Paper and then sign below the photograph with Black  Pen. Scan the above Photo and Signature and Upload in the appropriate space provided (JPG Format) in Application Form.
VI Step: The applicants have to invariably fill all the relevant columns in the Application and should submit ON-LINE.
address:Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission
To view the complete notification:

junior assistants job in A P board of intermediate education subordinate service

job details: junior assistants job in A P board of intermediate education subordinate service
name of post: junior assistants
no of post:61
educational qualification:
Must hold a Degree of any University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central
Act, Provincial Act or State Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any equivalent qualification with Computers as one
of the Optional Subjects.
Must hold a Degree of any University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central
Act, Provincial Act or State Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any equivalent qualification and pass in any one of
the following Certificate Course Examination conducted by the State Board of Technical
Education & Training, A.P., Hyderabad.
a) Office Automation
b) PC Maintenance & Trouble Shooting
c) Web Designing
age limit: Minimum 18 years & Maximum 36 years as on 01/07/2011
important dates:
Start Date for Submitting Application-08/05/2012            
Last Date for Payment of fees-06/06/2012
Last date for Submitting Application- 08/06/2012         
Written Examination-08/07/2012
selection procedure:
1. The minimum qualifying marks for selection are OCs 40%, BCs 35% SCs, STs and PH 30% or as per rules. The minimum  qualifying marks are relaxable in the case of SC/ST/BC/PH on the discretion of the Commission.
2. The candidates will be selected and allotted to Service/ Department as per their rank in the merit list against the vacancies  available.N.B.: Mere securing minimum qualifying marks does not vest any right in a candidate for being considered for selection.
3. The appearance in all the papers at the Written Examination as per rules is compulsory. Absence in any of the papers will  automatically render his candidature as disqualified.
4. Candidates have to produce Original documents and other particulars on the day of verification date itself for verification as and when required and called for. If candidate fails to produce the certificates if any one, and the particulars furnished in the Application do not tally with the Original documents produced by the candidate, the candidature will be rejected/disqualified  without any further correspondence. As candidature for the recruitment is processed through Computer/Electronic devices
based on the particulars furnished in the Application Form, the candidate is advised to fill in all the relevant particulars  carefully.
5. While the Commission calls for preference of candidates in respect of posts etc., in the application form, it is hereby clarified that the said preferences are only indicative for being considered to the extent possible but not binding or limiting the  Commission’s powers enjoyed under Article 315 and 320 of the Constitution of India. Therefore, the Commission has the  power to assigning a successful candidate to any of the notified posts for which he is considered by them to be qualified and eligible, subject to fulfilling the selection criterion.
6. The appointment of selected candidates will be subject to their being found medically fit in the appropriate medical  classification, and if he/she is of sound health, active habits free from any bodily defect or infirmity.
how to apply:
I Step: The Candidate has to log on to the WEBSITE ( and enter his/her Basic Personal Details like Name, Father’s Name, Date of Birth, and Community.
II Step: Immediately on entering the above details the Applicant will get (downloadable)- Challan Form to pay the Fee at AP Online centers /State Bank of India.
III Step: The Applicant should pay the prescribed Fee in any one of the A.P. Online centers / State Bank of India and obtain  Fee paid challan with Journal Number in the first instance.
IV Step: On the next working day after payment of Fee the Applicant should again visit WEBSITE and enter the Journal  Number to get and fill the format of Application and should submit ON-LINE.
V Step: Affix your recent Colour Passport Size Photograph on a White Paper and then sign below the photograph with Black  Pen. Scan the above Photo and Signature and Upload in the appropriate space provided (JPG Format) in Application Form.
VI Step: The applicants have to invariably fill all the relevant columns in the Application and should submit ON-LINE.
addess:Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission
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Friday, 4 May 2012

Syllabus of appsc group 2 services

job details:  scheme and syllabus of group 2 services

                                        SCHEME OF EXAMINATION
Minimum qualifying                                                         marks       Duration
Paper-I:                                                                               150             150
GENERAL STUDIES                     
Paper-II:                                                                              150             150
(i) Social and Cultural History of Andhra
Pradesh (the History of various Social and
Cultural movements in Andhra Pradesh)
(ii) General overview of the Indian
Paper-III:                                                                             150            150
Planning in India and Indian Economy;
Contemporary problems and Developments
in Rural Society with special reference to
Andhra Pradesh
                                                                                 TOTAL: 450
Other Important Points:
1. The selections to these group 2 posts will be based on the marks/merit obtained by the
candidates in the Written examination subject to rule of reservation, local reservation
etc. duly following special representation as laid down in General Rule-22 and 22-A
of A.P. State and Subordinate Service Rules, and also with due regard to special /
technical qualifications if any.
2. Candidates must appear for all the three papers in written examination.
3. There will be no waiting list. If eligible candidates are not available, such vacancies
will be carried forward to the next notification.
1. General Science
2. Current Events of National and International Importance.
3. History of India and Indian National Movement. India and World Geography.
4. General Mental Ability.
5. Questions on General Science will cover General appreciation and understanding of science
including matters of every day observation and experience, as may be expected of a well
educated person who has not made a special study of any particular scientific discipline. In
current events, knowledge of significant national and international events will be tested. In
History of India, emphasis will be on broad general understanding of the subject in its social,
economic and political aspects. Questions on Indian National Movement will relate to the
nature and character of the nineteenth century resurgence, growth of Nationalism and
attainment of independence. In geography emphasis will be on geography of India. Questions
on geography of India will relate to physical, social and economic geography of the country,
including the main features of the Indian agricultural and natural resources. On general mental
ability, the candidates will be tested on reasoning and analytical abilities.
6. DISASTER MANAGEMENT (Source : CBSE Publications)
a. Concepts in disaster management and vulnerability profile of India / State of A.P.
b. Earth quakes / Cyclones / Tsunami / Floods / Drought – causes and effects.
c. Man made disasters - Prevention strategies.
d. Mitigation strategies / Mitigation measures.
1. The Satavahanas and their contribution – social structure – Ikshvakus and their cultural
contribution; Buddhism and Jainism; The Eastern Chalukyas of Vengi – their socio-cultural
contribution – growth of Telugu language & Literature.
2. Socio- Cultural and Religious conditions in Andhra Desha between first and fifteenth
centuries of the Christian Era.
3. Establishment of British Rule – 1857 Revolt and its impact on Andhra and Hyderabad
Socio-cultural awakening ; Adi-Andhra/Dalit and Justice/self – respect movements; Growth
of Nationalist Movement in Andhra between 1885 and 1947 – Role of socialists –
communists – anti-zamindari-kisan movements.
4. Asafjahi Dynasty – socio-cultural awakening in Telangana -Adi-Hindu Movement – Nizam
Rashtra Janasangham – Andhra Mahasabha – Andhra Saaraswata Parishat – Hyderabad
State Congress and Vandemataram Movement.
5. Growth of Leftist / Communist Movement and Telangana People’s Armed Struggle –
Ittehadul-Muslimeen – Razakars-anti-Nizam Struggles and end of Nizam’s Rule. Integration
of Hyderabad State into Indian Union – Formation of Andhra Pradesh – Important historical
events after 1956.
1) Salient features of the Indian Constitution – Preamble, Fundamental Duties, Fundamental
Rights, Directive Principles of State Policy and their relationship.
2) Distinctive features of Indian Federation - Distribution of Legislative Powers between the
Union and the State; Relative roles of Legislature, Executive and Judiciary.
3) Community development experiment – 3 tier model of Panchayat Raj – 73rd and 74th
amendments and their implementation.
4) Welfare Mechanism in India: Provisions for Scheduled Castes, Tribes and Minorities;
Reservations for SC, ST and Backward Classes; Prevention of SC and ST Atrocities Act;
National and State SC and ST Commission; Women’s Commission; National and States
Minorities Commission and Human Rights Commission.
5) Unicameral and Bicameral Legislatures – Functions and crises of accountability, decline of
1) Planning in Indian Economy – Socio-economic objectives and outlays of 5 year plans –
Major controversies of planning in India – Alternative strategies – Goals and achievements –
shortfall of different plans – Planning in the market – Major reforms/policy changes effect
from 1991.
2) Broad fiscal, monetary, industrial trade and agricultural policies, objectives, rationale,
constraints and effects.
3) Geographic size – Endowment of natural resources, population; size composition quality
and growth trends – occupational distribution – effect of British rule with reference to drain
theory and Laissez faire Policy.
4) Money banking and public finances – concept of money and measures of money supply
velocity of money banks and credit creation, determination of price level – inflation, its
causes and remedies , finance budget – taxes and non-tax revenue.
5) Meaning and measurements of growth- growth distribution and welfare, characteristics of
under development, stages of development, sources of growth capital – human capital,
population, productivity, trade and aid, growth strategies – types of average measures –
dispersion-correlation-index numbers ; types, uses and limitations.
1. National Income & Main sectors of Economy, GDP (Gross Domestic Product), Per capita
income and HDI (Human Development Index) as measures of development. Relative
contribution of agriculture to income and employment in the recent four decades of AP.
2. Five year plans of AP – Outlays, Finance in public sector plan and resource allocation
pattern in the recent five year plan.
3. Need for and aims of land reforms in AP – Structure of land holdings in AP. Forest, sown
and irrigated area in AP. Cropping pattern. Sources of Agricultural finance in AP –
Agricultural subsidies.
4. Growth and structure of Industries in Andhra Pradesh , factories, small and tiny sectors,
their comparison , growth , weaknesses and problems- Institutional and non-institutional –
growth and structure of cooperatives in Andhra Pradesh – Share of cooperatives in total
credits – adequacy and problems.
5. Structure of Agricultural outputs – administered prices including support and procurement
prices – Public Distribution System in AP ; Service sector of AP – importance, composition
and growth with special reference to transport and communication, tourism and information
and biotechnology.

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