Thursday, 14 August 2014

VPT Recruitment 2014 for Officer jobs

Vizag Port Trust Jobs 2014Vizag Port Trust Jobs 2014 : Vizag Port Trust has announced notification 2014 for 01 Posts of Dy. Chief Accounts Officer jobs vacancy,Eligible candidates can send their applications on or before 25-08-2014. More details about Vizag Port Trust Dy. Chief Accounts Officer jobs given below…
Name of post:Recruitment of Dy. Chief Accounts Officer jobs in Vizag Port Trust
Dy. Chief Accounts Officer
No of post:01 Posts
Location of job:Andhra Pradesh
Pay Scale:Rs.16000-400-20800
(Revised scale Rs.32900-58000)
Educational qualification:a) Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India or ofInstitute of Cost and Works Accountants of India. b) 12 years experience in executive cadre in the field of Finance,Accounting in an Industrial/Commercial/ Govt. Undertaking
Age Limit: Candidates should have age limit between 18 to 40 years. Age relaxation will be applicable as per govt rules.
Important dates:25-08-2014
Selection procedure:Candidates will be selected based on written test and interview.
How to apply:Application in the model pro-forma available in Visakhapatnam Port Trust Web be down loaded and filled in be submitted along with fullparticulars of Name, Address, Date of Birth, Qualifications and Experience etc., withrelevant copies of Certificates, testimonials, two recent passport size photos, latestCaste Certificate whether belongs to OBC/SC/ST, duly attested should be sentthrough the Competent Authority of their Organization to reach “The Secretary, Visakhapatnam Port Trust, Visakhapatnam-530 035” on or before 25.08.2014SUPERSCRIBING the cover “APPLICATION TO THE POST OF SENIOR DEPUTY CHIEF ACCOUNTS OFFICER (CLASS-I)
Vizag Port Trust
Visakhapatnam-530 035
To view the complete notification:

1 comment:

  1. This work notification is extremely valuable to meet the competitors in search of a job...regards Perfect Profile
