Name of post:Recruitment of Dental Assistant Surgeons in Directorate of Public Health and Family Welfare
1. Civil Assistant Surgeons
2. Dental Assistant Surgeons
No of post:1190 Posts
Location of job:Andhra Pradesh
PayScale:20,680-570-21820-610-23650-650-25600-700-27700-750-29950-800-32350-850-34900-900-37600-970-40510-1040-43630-1110-46960, and other allowances as admissible under the rules in force from time to time.
Educational qualification: Qualification: Candidates must possess MBBS Degree or its equivalent, registered with State Medical Council of AP.
Age Limit: Candidates age should be below 39 years as on 01-07-2013. Relaxation is available.
Important dates:Starting Date for filling Online Applications: 05-09-2013
Last Date for filling Online Application: 5.00 PM on 25-09-2013.
Last Date for Receipt of Application: 5.00 PM on 01-10-2013.
Selection procedure:Selection process will be done on the basis of Written Test and Interview.
How to apply:The eligible candidate can apply online from 10.00 Am on 05-09-2013 to 5.00 PM on 25-09-2013 and send the application along with relevant enclosures mentioned in the notification, One self-addressed cover of size 12X26 CM with postal stamps worth of Rs.25 and a self-addressed post card in an envelope super scribed as given format in the notification by speed post to Director of Public Health & Family Welfare, Koti, Hyderabad-500195 on or before 5.00 PM on 01-10-2013.
Directorate of Public Health & Family Welfare AP
General instruction :
1) The candidate must note that his/her selection for counseling is strictly provisional. The mere fact that calling for counseling does not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by the department or that the entries made by the candidate in his/her application have been accepted by the department as true and correct.
2) One self-addressed cover of size 12X26 CM with postal stamps worth of Rs.25 and a self-addressed post card are to be enclosed.
3) The candidates doing PG are advised not to apply. Permission will not be given to continue their PG course under any circumstances if selected.
4) The above appointments are purely temporary and likely to be regularized as per the rules.
5) Candidates selected and posted to medical institutions should stay at the Headquarters compulsorily .
6) Candidates selected and appointed are barred from doing private practice including consultation practice.
7) Selected candidates shall be liable to serve in any part of Andhra Pradesh. If selected he/she should join in the place where he/she posted within the stipulated time, failing which the selection stands cancelled.
8. Candidates should make sure of their eligibility to the post applied for and that the declaration made by them in the format of application regarding their eligibility in all respects. Any candidate furnishing in-
correct information or making false declaration regarding his/her eligibility at any stage or suppressing any information is liable to be debarred from recruitment conducted by the department and summary rejection of their candidature for this recruitment & future recruitments also.
9. The department is vested with duty of conducting recruitment and selection as per rules duly maintaining utmost secrecy and confidentiality in this process and any attempt by any one causing or likely to cause breach of this duty in such manner or by such action as to violate or likely to violate the fair practices followed and ensured by the Department will be sufficient cause or ground for debarment.
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