Wednesday, 17 April 2013

National Institute of Rural Development professor recruitment 2013

National Institute of Rural Development recruitmentJob details: NIRD Recruitment 2013:NIRD is the country’s apex body for undertaking teaching, training, research, action research and consultancy functions in various aspects of rural development. It provides an inter-disciplinary academic environment backed by excellent infrastructure including a specialized library and state-of-art computer facilities.
The Institute broadly follows the UGC pay scales for academic positions. NIRD invites applications in the prescribed format for the following posts to be filled on Deputation basis for a period not exceeding three years on such terms and conditions governing the deputation in Govt. of India from time to time.
Name of post:govt job in AP for professor
i) Director – 1 post.
ii. Assistant Professors – 4 posts
No of post:05 Posts
Location of job:Andhra Pradesh
Pay Scale:Rs.37,400-67,000 with AGP of Rs.10,000/-)
Educational qualification: Educational Requirements: First or high second class Post Graduate degree (55% and above) with Ph.D. in any of the Social Sciences discipline/ Agriculture and Allied Sciences / Rural Development.
Qualifications: Ability to provide administrative as well as academic leadership and to plan and organize and attend to different activities relevant to the management of a training cum research organization.
Important dates:20-05-2013
Selection procedure: Mere fulfillment of the qualifications prescribed does not entitle the candidate to be called for
How to apply for job in NIRD 2013:Prescribed applications duly filled-in and supported by all relevant documents should reach the Assistant Registrar, NIRD, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500030
National Institute of Rural Development
Assistant Registrar, NIRD, Rajendranagar
Postal Code: 500030
City Hyderabad
State Andhra Pradesh
To view the complete notification:


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