The Institute broadly follows the UGC pay scales for academic positions. NIRD invites applications in the prescribed format for the following posts to be filled on Deputation basis for a period not exceeding three years on such terms and conditions governing the deputation in Govt. of India from time to time.
Name of post:govt job in AP for professor
i) Director – 1 post.
ii. Assistant Professors – 4 posts
No of post:05 Posts
Location of job:Andhra Pradesh
Pay Scale:Rs.37,400-67,000 with AGP of Rs.10,000/-)
Educational qualification: Educational Requirements: First or high second class Post Graduate degree (55% and above) with Ph.D. in any of the Social Sciences discipline/ Agriculture and Allied Sciences / Rural Development.
Qualifications: Ability to provide administrative as well as academic leadership and to plan and organize and attend to different activities relevant to the management of a training cum research organization.
Important dates:20-05-2013
Selection procedure: Mere fulfillment of the qualifications prescribed does not entitle the candidate to be called for
How to apply for job in NIRD 2013:Prescribed applications duly filled-in and supported by all relevant documents should reach the Assistant Registrar, NIRD, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500030
National Institute of Rural Development
Assistant Registrar, NIRD, Rajendranagar
Postal Code: 500030
City Hyderabad
State Andhra Pradesh
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