Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Recruitment in Income-tax Inspectors in Income Tax Department

job in incom tax departmentJob details:Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, Hyderabad-1 invites applications for the recruitment of meritorious Sports persons in different games/ sports .interested candidates can apply before 23 jan 2013.

Name of post:Recruitment in Income-tax Inspectors in Income Tax Department-2013

1. Income-tax Inspectors : 05 posts

2. Stenographers Gr.II : 01 post

3. Tax Assistants :  26 posts

4. Multi Tasking Staff : 09 posts

No of post:41Posts

Location of job:Andhra Pradesh

Pay Scale:Rs.5200 – 20200  Grade Pay 2400

Educational qualification: click on below link to get more information

Age limit:18-25 as on 01/08/2012

Important dates:23-01-2013

How to apply:Application in the prescribed format should be send to Dy. Commissioner of Income-tax (H.Qrs)(Admn), O/o the CCIT, Hyderabad-I, Room No.1047, 10th Floor, ‘D’ Block,Income-tax Towers, AC Guards, Hyderabad - 500004

Government of India
Income Tax Department
Office of the Chief Commissioner of Income Tax (CCA), Hyderabad
Andhra Pradesh

To view the complete notification:

1 comment:

  1. Hello sir I am seema sir i want the Update Info about the Income Tax Settlement Commission Recruitment 2014 so sir please Update the page & provide the Latest 2014 information ....
