Sunday, 18 November 2012

Recruitment of executive trainee in SCCL Andhra Pradesh 2013

Name of post: Recruitment of Executive Cadre in SCCL
No of post:288 post
Location of job:Khammam District,Andhrapradesh
Educational qualification: B.Sc (Maths)/M.Sc/Diploma
Age limit:Should Have 24 Years
Important dates:30-11-2012
Selection procedure:Selection of candidates for executive post is based on written test and interview
How to apply:
(i ) Visit sccl web site
(ii) Click on careers with us link available on homepage
(iii) ONLINE Application can be submitted (website closure). Candidates have to take a print of the ONLINE Application Form after successful submission of data.
(iv) The printed form of the application signed by the candidate enclosing therewith copies of certificates in proof of age, qualification, experience, marks memos, caste etc., self-addressed stamped (Rs.5/-) envelope should be sent to the Director (PA&W), The Singareni Collieries Co. Ltd., Recruitment Cell, Kothagudem 507 101, Khammam Dist. (AP) only by POST / COURIER to reach on or before 30.11.2012, super scribing the application registration number and name of the post on the envelope.
(v) Envelopes not indicating application registration number (OR) applications without registration number will be rejected at the initial stage itself.
General instructions:
(1) Knowledge of Telugu is desirable.
(2) The candidates belonging and claiming to be Backward Classes group E may apply indicating their community as BC 'E' group. However, providing reservation under BCE category is subject to the final outcome of Civil Appeal Nos:2628-2637 of 2010 pending in the Honourable Supreme court of India and amendment of the State and Subordinate Service Rules (BCE sub-group to be indicated in Caste Certificate in variably).
(3) 5 years age relaxation to SC/ST/BC candidates of AP origin, reservation in appointment to SC/ST/BC candidates is as per Rule of Reservation of Govt. of Andhra Pradesh and Recruitment Rules of the Company. The reservation to local cadre is applicable to the above posts.
(4) Wherever percentage of marks in the qualifying examination is prescribed, the percentage is relaxed to the extent of 5% in case of SC/ST candidates only.
(5) Candidates of all other States including SCs/STs/OBCs, however, will be considered only against OC vacancies.
The singareni collieries company limited
(a government company)
kothagudem collieries-507 101 khammam dist (a.p.)
To view the complete notification:


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