Sunday, 15 July 2012

recruitment of scientific assistant in A p police department-2012

job details:Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for recruitment to the following posts in Forensic Science Laboratory in Police Department. The number of vacancies indicated is only provisional and is liable to alteration.
Name of posts:01. Scientific Assistant (Physical)- 2
02. Scientific Assistant (Chemical)- 7
03.  Scientific Assistant (Chemical) - 7
04. Laboratory Technician- 3
No of posts-19 posts

educational qualification:i)Scientific Assistant (Physical) : The candidate must hold, as on date of notification i.e., 05-07-2012, have passed M.Sc. in I or II Division with Physics as the subject or Forensic Science with Physics as special subject or an equivalent qualification from any University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, or Provincial Act or State Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission
ii)Scientific Assistant (Chemical) : The candidate must hold, as on date of notification i.e., 05-07-2012, have passed M.Sc. in I or II Division with Chemistry or Bio Chemistry as the subject or Forensic Science with Chemistry or Toxicology as special subject or an equivalent qualification from any University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, or Provincial Act or State Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission
iii)Scientific Assistant (Chemical) : The candidate must hold, as on date of notification i.e., 05-07-2012, have passed M.Sc. in I or II Division with Biology or Zoology or Botany or Microbiology or Bio-Technology or Forensic Science with Biology as the subject or an equivalent qualification from any University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, or Provincial Act or State Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission
iv) Laboratory Technician : The candidate must hold, as on date of notification i.e., 05-07-2012, have passed SSC or any other examination recognised by the State Government as being equivalent to SSC
age limit:Must have attained the age of 18 years and must not have attained the age of 33 years as on 1st July, 2012 i.e., must have been born not earlier than 2nd July, 1979 and not later than 1st July, 1994.
application fee:Candidates must apply in the Application Form devised by this office for the examination, which can be downloaded from website in the recruitment folder. They are requested to go through the notification thoroughly and it is available on the website. Account Payee Demand draft for Rs100/- drawn on any Bank in favour of DIRECTOR, APFSL Red Hills HYDERABAD – 500004 should be enclosed.
important dates:09 aug 2012 by 17:00 hours
how to apply:Eligible candidates should submit duly filled in application form along with the copies of the necessary certificates by Registered Post to Director,A.P. Forensic Science Laboratory,Red Hills, Hyderabad – 500 004 .
about the organisation: The officers and men of AP Police Department are committed to providing professional law enforcement services, protecting the rights of individuals, preventing crime, and building community partnerships.We will serve the community with integrity, diversity, and quality and to provide proactive interaction with the community to enhance the feeling of safety and security in the state.The AP Police Department, in affiliation with our community, is committed to serve the needs of the citizens of India by providing an efficient and effective level of service through crime prevention and protection programs.AP Police Department is committed to delivering the most efficient, effective, productive, and quality police service to the community. We are dedicated to the advancement of a cooperative partnership with our community to develop better community policing, improved communications, and reduced crime. 
FORENSIC SCIENCE LABORATORY,                                                                  
To view the complete notification:


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