Sunday, 3 June 2012

Recruitment Zilla Sainik Welfare Officers in A P Sainik Welfare Service.

job detail:Zilla Sainik Welfare Officers in A P Sainik Welfare Service.
name of post:Zilla Sainik Welfare Officers
no of post:BC-D(W)-1
educational qualification:a) No Ex-Servicemen who retired below the rank of Captain or equivalent rank in the Army, Navy OR Air Force shall be eligible.
b) Must possesss the minimum general educational qualifications prescribed in the
schedule to the general rules or equivalent qualification of Indian Army, Navy or Air force.
NB:- Discharged certificates from the Army/Navy/Air Force as the case may be, should be
furnished at the appropriate time.

age limit: Age of candidates should 18 to52 age as on the date of 01/07/2011.
pay/salary:16,150 to 42,590/-
application fee:Each applicant must pay Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred Only) towards Application Processing Fee is compulsory for all Applicants.
important dates:
Opening date for online registration: 30/07/2012
Closing date for online registration: 30/08/2012
Last date for fee payment: 28/08/2012
Tentative Date for Written Exam: 29/09/2012 and 30/09/2012
selection procedure: a) The Selection Of Candidates For Appointment to the Posts will be made on Written Examination (Objective Type) only for eligible candidates.
b) The appearance in all the papers at the Written Examination is compulsory
c) Candidates have to produce attested Photo copies of required certificates and Original documents and other particulars for verification as and when required and called for. If the particulars furnished in the application do not tally with the Original documents produced by the candidate, the candidature will be rejected.
d) Minimum qualifying marks are relaxable as per discretion of the Commission/ District selection committee.
e) The work of verifying the certificates and preparation of merit list as per the communal Roster is interested to the respective District Collectors.
how to apply: The eligible candidates can apply through online application mode from the website from 30/07/2012 to 30/08/2012.
The applicants must go through the user guide before submission of application. Then the eligible candidates can apply through online from the website
Online application instructions:
1. Candidates must logon to the website & enter the basic personal details.
2. Applicants must pay the processing fee in any of the AP online centers or in state bank of India.
3. Applicants must up load his/her own scanned photo & signature through J.P.G format.
examination centre:The Written Examination will be held at the following Five Centres:
To view the complete notification:


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