Monday, 23 April 2012

Assitance executive engineers vacancy in various engineering services of apspsc

Apspsc  job details: Assistance executive engineers vacancy in various engineering services of apspsc
no of post:2564 Posts
Name of the Posts: Assistant Executive Engineer vacancies department wise
1. Civil in I & CAD Engineering Service: 1170 Posts
2. Mechanical in I & CAD Engineering Service: 130 Posts
3. Civil in R & B Engineering Service: 374 Posts
4. Electrical in R & B Engineering Service: 24 Posts
5. Civil / Mechanical Engineering Service (Panchayat Raj): 214 Posts
6. Civil / Mechanical Engineering Service (Tribal Welfare): 14 Posts
7. Civil in RWS & S Engineering Service:  536 Posts
8. Civil/Mechanical in Public Health and Municipal Engineering Service: 94 Posts
9. AEE CADRE Architectural Engineering Branch in R & B Engineering Service: 08 Posts
educational qualification:the candidates appear for the post of executive engineer must have
Bachelor’s Degree in the respective branch from recognized university.
age limit:Candidates age should be between 18-36 Years as on 01-07-2011, Upper age limit relaxation is as per govt rules.
important dates:
Opening date for online registration: 24/04/2012
Closing date for online registration: 23/05/2012
Last date for fee payment: 21/05/2012
Written Test date: 01-07-2012

selection procedure:The mode of selection is based on Written Test (Objective Type)
1. The minimum qualifying marks for selection are OCs 40%, BCs 35% SCs, STs and PHs 30% or as per rules. The minimum qualifying marks are relaxable in the case of SC/ST/BC/PH on the discretion of the Commission.
2. The candidates will be selected and allotted to Service/ Department as per their rank in the merit list and as per zonal preference for allotment of candidates against vacancies and for the vacancies available.
N.B.: Mere securing minimum qualifying marks does not vest any right in a candidate for being considered for selection.
3. The appearance in all the papers at the Written Examination as per rules is compulsory. Absence in any of the papers will automatically render his candidature as disqualified.
4. Candidates have to produce Original documents and other particulars on the day of verification date itself for verification as and when required and called for. If candidate fails to produce the certificates if any one, and the particulars furnished in the Application do not tally with the Original documents produced by the candidate, the candidature will be rejected/disqualified without any further correspondence.
how to apply:The eligible candidates can apply through online application mode from the website between 24/04/2012 to 23/05/2012.
general instructions:
1) The candidates must note that his/her admission to the examination is strictly provisional.
2) The candidates should go through the instructions given on the cover page of test booklet and carefully write his/her Register Number, Center etc., in the Answer Sheet, which will be
provided to him/her in the examination hall.
3) Since the answer sheets are to be scanned (valued) with Optical Mark Scanner system, the candidates have to USE BALL POINT PEN (BLUE/BLACK) ONLY FOR MARKING THE ANSWERS.
4) The candidates should satisfy the Invigilator of his identity with reference to the signature and photographs.
5) The candidates should take their seats 20 minutes before the commencement of the examination and are not to be allowed after 10 minutes of the scheduled time.
6) The candidates are expected to behave in orderly and disciplined manner while writing the examination.
To view the complete notification:


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