Thursday, 30 May 2013

Recruitment in Northern Power Distribution Company AP 2013

A.P Northern Power Distribution Company of ltd  jobsJob details:A.P Northern Power Distribution Company of ltd is inviting applications from Indian citizens for recruiting following posts.interested candidates can apply for this job in andhra pdesh before 14 jun 2013.more details about this govt jobs in andhra pradesh is given below.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Recruitment of Manager in Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd

govt jobs in IDPLJob details:IDPL Andhra pradesh jobs 2013:Indian Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd (I.D.P.L.) is a Central Public Sector Undertaking wholly owned by the Government of India engaged in manufacture of pharmaceuticals. A Unit of IDPL situated at Hyderabad requires engaging trained and experienced professionals in following fields on a fixed term contract basis initially for a period of Three years which can be extended further on performance basis.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

NIN Technical Assistant Jobs in Hyderabad 2013

NIN Hyderabad jobJob details:NIN Technical Assistant Jobs:Applications are invited up to 03 jun 2013 to fill up the following vacancies under Direct Recruitment for the combined three institutes / centres i.e., National Institute of Nutrition, Food & Drug Toxicology Research Centre & National Centre for Laboratory Animal Sciences.