Thursday, 28 February 2013

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Syllabus of Librarian in AP Collegiate Education Service

Job details:Recruitment applications are invited On-line through the proforma Application to be made available on WEBSITE in from 25/01/2013 to 23/02/2013 (Note:21/02/2013 is the last date for payment of fee) for recruitment to the post of Librarian in A.P.Collegiate Education Service
Name of posts:Librarian in A.P.Collegiate Education Service
No of post:21 posts

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Recruitment of Field Supervisor in PGCIL-2013

Recruitment in POWER GRID CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD. Andhra Pradesh
Job details: Powergrid is on look out of young and bright experienced professionals for engagement purely on temporary (Contractual) basis with consolidated remuneration for a period of 24 months or till completion of project whichever is earlier for execution of NOFN consultancy Project in the state of Andhra Pradesh
Name of post:Recruitment in POWER GRID CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD.
Field Engineer : 52 posts, Remuneration :  First Year - Rs.30000/-, Second Year - Rs. 33000/-
Field Supervisor : 108 posts, Remuneration :  First Year - Rs.30000/-, Second Year - Rs. 33000/-

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Scheme & Syllabus of Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspectors in AP

Job details:Scheme & Syllabus for the examination of Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspectors in Transport Subordinate Service
Name of post:Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspectors
No of post:64 posts
Scheme & Syllabus for the examination of Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspectors
PAPER-1 General Studies            150 Marks    150 Qns.    150 Minutes
PAPER-2 Concerned Subject
(Automobile Engg.
Diploma Standard)                  150 Marks    150 Qns.    150 Minutes.
                             TOTAL 300 Marks